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Which is better for Web development PHP or Python?

Which is better for Web development PHP or Python?

Python is better than PHP in long term project. PHP has low learning curve, it is easy to get started with PHP. Compare to PHP Python has lower number of Frameworks. Popular ones are DJango, Flask.

Is PHP good for high traffic?

PHP has been designed ground up to efficiently handle HTTP traffic, there is less to build in comparison to building using other compiled languages. PHP, when properly written, can be scaled to a great extent.

What should I learn PHP or Django?

Key Differences Between Django and PHP It ensures that this framework provides speedy development. On the other hand, PHP is a development language that uses this framework and ensures quality development.

Which is better Python or JavaScript for website development?

Hands down, JavaScript is undeniably better than Python for website development for one simple reason: JS runs in the browser while Python is a backend server-side language. While Python can be used in part to create a website, it can’t be used alone.

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Is Node JS faster than Python for web development?

Python is single-flow, unlike Node.JS, and requests are more slowly processed. Hence, Python is not a better option for applications that give priority to performance and speed or engage many complex calculations. Hence, Node.JS web apps are faster than Python web apps. Since Python is slower, Node.JS wins in the case of speed and performance.

Which is slower JavaScript or Python?

Both JavaScript and Python are usually slower than compiled languages like Java, and they are interpreted languages. However, Node.JS wins in this case. Python is single-flow, unlike Node.JS, and requests are more slowly processed.

Which programming language is more difficult to learn Python or JavaScript?

JavaScript is far more complex language to learn compared to Python. JavaScript and Python, both the programming languages are perfect for dynamic web applications and software development, but there is a simple thing worth mentioning here.