
How would you describe your faith journey?

How would you describe your faith journey?

My faith journey is a journey of gratitude. It is a life of ongoing dependence on God. It is a journey of thanksgiving, praising God for joy and abundant love, and his steadfast presence in sorrow, despair, and fear. Like any journey, the road is difficult to predict.

What is spiritual journey?

A spiritual journey is a journey you would take to find out who you are, what your problems are in life, and how to come to peace with the world. The purpose of a spiritual journey is rarely to find an answer; rather, it is a process of continually asking questions.

How has faith influenced your life?

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Faith permeates our world, providing a moral and ethical compass for the vast majority of people. Evidence shows that –beyond individual religious practice – faith is increasingly moving into the public sphere and may affect various aspects of economic and social life.

How do I honor God genuinely in my daily life?

Honor God by rewarding good faith and goodwill by graciousness and sincere condolences in grief and congratulations in good times. Honor God by giving credit to other people, by accepting who and what they are and can offer, enjoying time spent with others in fellowship.

How do we live a life with complete faith in God?

Continue to believe in the Higher Being. A faith line is when we see things as “impossible” in our life. That is the moment that we have to trust in Him, rely on His word, search all the promises of God, and meditate on those promises until trust arises in our Heart. Never turn your back on Him.

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Do I have to change my life before I come to God?

Many people think you have to change before you come to God, but the opposite is true. Here are the stories of lives that were snatched from the grip of darkness and brought into the light. Can I Be Forgiven? In Luke 7, Jesus explains that the more a person is forgiven of, the more grateful that person will be.

How did we live in the premortal life?

We lived with God, who is our Heavenly Father and the father of our spirits. God presented to us His Plan of Salvation. It is sometimes called the plan of happiness or the plan for our redemption. Also while we were in the premortal life, a savior was chosen.

What if we lived before we were born?

We Lived Before We Were Born . Before we were born on the earth we existed as spirits and lived in a spirit world in the presence of God, our Eternal Father. We developed talents and gained knowledge. We created friendships and made promises. We also had our agency to choose.

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Were We spirits before we were born on Earth?

Before anything was created physically, it was first created spiritually. This includes people. Not only were we spirits before we were born on earth, but our spirits are the literal offspring of God. He is the father of our spirits, which is why we call Him our Heavenly Father. He created us in His image.