What questions should a product manager ask an engineer?

What questions should a product manager ask an engineer?

Some questions to ask

  • Was there a time when you had to cut down on scope to deliver something quickly?
  • Was there a time when you came up with a short term work around for a problem?
  • Tell me about a time when you worked with product to help them make a technical decision.

How do engineering managers and product managers work together?

Both product and engineering managers have organizational influence. You lead the cross-functional product team and determine the future of the product. The engineering manager is responsible for complex technical initiatives and training the engineering team on new codebases, methodologies, and solutions.

What are good questions to ask at the end of the interview?

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20 smart questions to ask at the end of your next job interview

  1. What do you personally like most about working for this organisation?
  2. What do you find most challenging about working for this organisation?
  3. How would you describe your organisation’s culture?
  4. Can you tell me about the kind of supervision you provide?

Are you prepared to ask questions during an engineering manager interview?

By showing you’re prepared to ask questions during an interview with an engineering manager you set yourself apart from other candidates and gain a better understanding of the manager’s management style, the company’s culture, and where the company is headed in the future.

Are product managers asking the right questions?

Product Managers are supposed to be good at asking the right questions. This is what guides Product Discovery and Development. It helps you make a decision. Unknown information about conditions, such as location, schedules, salaries, perks… will generate uncertainty.

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Are You Ready for a product management interview?

Obviously, you should be ready for anything at a Product Management interview. Questionnaires, challenging questions, group scenarios… But time is finite and you can only work so much on each exercise. It is important to justify your time: you will be extremely busy memorizing your resume and absorbing as much as possible from the company website.

What does a product manager do when a team is failing?

The product manager needs to manage the situation and make the changes that will get the team back on track. An experienced product manager may have developed a performance improvement plan, or PIP, which they monitored and reviewed with the employee on a weekly or monthly basis. In larger enterprises, this might have included human resources.