
Why are INFJ so misunderstood?

Why are INFJ so misunderstood?

INFJs often feel misunderstood. Perhaps it’s because they’re quiet and reserved and tend to share their deepest thoughts and feelings only with select people. Or maybe it’s because they are so rare—personality test research shows they make up less than 1\% of the population.

What INTJ think about INFJ?

INTJs should invite INFJs to share their thoughts and feelings; they need to be considerate and accepting of INFJs’ emotions. INFJs should try to address conflict rationally; they need to remain calm and level-headed, expressing themselves honestly.

Why is the INFJ personality type so complicated?

The INFJ personality type is a paradox. It can be hard for other people to understand. When I studied literature in secondary school, I love oxymoron — “sweet sorrow”, “beautiful tyrant”, “loving hate” and etc. Perhaps because I am one. Our complexity is due to our contradictory INFJ traits.

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Do INFJs feel out of place?

This is something the INFJ does to protect themselves, because they do often feel strange or out of place when they are around most people. Being rare can cause them to be viewed as weird or strange, when in reality people just don’t understand them because they are unique.

Why are INFJs so awkward in relationships?

Sometimes this causes the INFJ to feel tense around certain people, especially when they know something about that person which they are hiding. This makes situations awkward, and so it really isn’t the INFJ who is being awkward but rather the circumstances.

Do you want to be an INTJ?

Unfortunately, a lot of people game the system to claim the “rare” or “cool” type they most want to be. For some reason – and I assume it’s because they want to feel special, intelligent, rare or gifted and have somehow forgotten the robotic, nerdy, heartless and socially awkward part – INTJ is a type that people want to be.