
When the green dot is next to the phone on Messenger?

When the green dot is next to the phone on Messenger?

If you see the green dot on Messenger next to the video icon it basically means that the person is available for video chat. If you have allowed Facebook to access your camera then most likely the green dot next to the video icon will always be switched on whenever you are active on Messenger.

What does it mean when pulsing rings are around the messenger?

If you’re referring to the recent update that there is now a pulsing ring around the video icon when chatting with someone, it means that they’re available to video chat at the moment if you’d like.

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What does it mean when the video icon on Messenger is pulsing?

What does the green dot next to contacts mean on messenger?

The “green dot”, is actually next to the contacts name, not the phone icon. The dot is used to indicate that user is online, either on their phone with the Messenger app open or are using another way of messaging people such as Now onto the phone icon (and the camera). The phone icon is for calling someone.

What does the green dot next to the camera icon mean?

The camera icon is the same, but is a video call, kinda like Facetime. The “green dot”, is actually next to the contacts name, not the phone icon. The dot is used to indicate that user is online, either on their phone with the Messenger app open or are using another way of messaging people such as

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What does a green dot next to a person’s name mean on Facebook?

Originally Answered: What does a green dot next to a person’s name on Facebook messenger mean? Yes it means that the person is online in either Facebook or Messenger. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are sending or receiving messages. They could be scrolling through Facebook.

What does the green icon next to the phone mean?

If the green icon is appearing beside the phone logo, then that means the user have messenger installed and is currently online and you can make a call with the person. In some other case, the green just mean online, the lightening sign won’t be available and it’s been replaced by a faded fb logo.