Tips and tricks

Which VRAT is good for happy married life?

Which VRAT is good for happy married life?

FOR THOSE TO SEEK BENEFITS:- For married couples specially the pradosh fasting and puja on regular basis is very very good for blissful and happy married life,always start this puja on pradosh falling on somvar and specially in waxing moon phase or called as shukla paksh,but if monday pradosh is not falling in near …

Which God Should I worship for happy married life?

For Happy Married Life Do This In Shravan Month If you wish to have a happy married life then perform certain rituals in Shravan month. Monday puja and worship of Shiva and Goddess Parvati helps in solving all kinds of problems associated with married life.

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What puja should be done to get married?

Various other forms of marriage puja, such as Mangalya puja, Maa Katyayani Puja, Ganesh Puja, and Gandharva puja are performed to pave the path for marriage stuck due to reasons related to celestial bodies in the solar system and their corresponding effects on your marriage prospects.

Which Pooja is good for marriage?

But, as per astrology, one can perform Lord Vishnu Puja every Thursday to get good results and a happy marriage. We all know that Vishnu Puja helps us in maintaining the health and peace of the house. According to astrology, a person needs to appease ‘Bruhaspati’ Graha to get married.

How to safeguard the married life of your daughter through astrology?

Here is one very effective astrological remedy which parents can do to safeguard the married life of their daughters. In this remedy when your married daughter leaves for her in-laws’ house for the very first time then at that particular time take a clay pot filled with water and add some raw turmeric and ginger to it.

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Why should you match your horoscope before getting married?

Astrology suggests that horoscopes should be matched before getting married. And therefore, it is the duty of the parents to make sure that this task is accomplished. Horoscope matches gives a clear picture whether or not the girl and the boy are fit to tie the knot with each other or not.

What is the most important element of a married life?

The most important element for any married life is, happiness. A happy married life is a collection of several movements which can include: emotional intimacy, raising a family, love, romance, sex life, progeny, communication and many more.

What is a happy married life?

A happy married life is a collection of several movements which can include: emotional intimacy, raising a family, love, romance, sex life, progeny, communication and many more. Although it is the emotional intimacy which kindles the spark and lead the relationship to a new level, many lack this important element in their relationship.