Can you be enlightened and married?

Can you be enlightened and married?

Most direct answer. It is not advisable to marry an enlightened person because the enlightened person lives in a different dimensional reality, both physically and mentally. Their energy does not suit yours. Therefore, you will never have a true connection with them.

Is marriage a hindrance to spirituality?

Marriage may or may not be a hindrance to spiritual progress depending on what your soul’s evolution needs to expand in consciousness. For example, if you are very self-involved, it may be helpful to love and care for a wife and children to expand your loyalty and sympathies beyond your own self.

Is Enlightenment attainable?

An “otherworldly image of excellence,” as Wright puts it, sets the idea of enlightenment upon an unreachable pedestal, and will discourage you from the path. Realize that enlightenment is attainable, and that the way toward it is personal. Why do we suffer? Is it because of our environment? The people around us? Not entirely.

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What is the goal of Enlightenment?

Freedom from craving, delusion, and hatred is where true peace lies, and that is the goal of enlightenment. One of the first steps toward enlightenment is to become aware of your thoughts, words, and actions.

What is Enlightenment in Buddhism?

The Buddhist view of enlightenment is different, and much harder to define, as it is not something easily understood before attaining it. It is, in short, an awakening to our fundamental nature—seeing ourselves and our surroundings as they truly are, without the lens of our preconceived notions. It is a letting go of the “self”.

How do you take the first step to enlightenment?

Focus on the sensation of your feet upon the ground, of the air against your face. Practice this, and you’ll take your first step along the path to enlightenment. The path to enlightenment is paved not only with self-awareness, but with self-control.