
Who would win in a fight Archie Sonic or flash?

Who would win in a fight Archie Sonic or flash?

Archie Sonic can win thanks to his Ultra Sonic form to kill Flash in molecular level and he has Immeasurable speed via being higher-dimensional beyond linear time and 3-D. Ultra Sonic can also fly and use Chaos Control to counter Flash speed.

How fast is Archie Sonic mph?

For our purposes, we’ll assume Sonic’s top speed is 767 miles per hour, the speed of sound. That’s fast. Faster than any creature on Earth can go without the aid of technology.

Who runs faster flash or Sonic?

Sonic the Hedgehog’s maximum running speed is listed as 3,840 miles per hour in Sonic Adventures DX. According to the 2014 Flash TV show, in the episode Trajectory, Barry Allen has a top speed of 2,532 miles per hour or Mach 3.3. Sonic is faster for now.

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Who’s faster flash or Super Sonic?

Who would win in a fight Justice League or X-Men?

While the Justice League would definitely put up a good fight, the X-Men are the more likely victors between the two teams. Their strength in numbers and their abilities give them an advantage that the League just wouldn’t be able to measure up to. Depending on the scenario, things could easily turn out differently.

Should the Justice League have a backup superteam?

Unfortunately for the Justice League, they are already the top superteam within the DC universe, meaning that their backup really only assists them in numbers, rather than firepower. With the X-Men, though the two teams may often have their differences, The Avengers can almost always be called upon to assist the mutant team.

Can the Justice League beat the Avengers?

While the Justice League may be able to beat the Avengers, they would definitely have a hard time facing off against both the X-Men and the Avengers together. Even if they increased their roster, the DC team would likely be unable to keep pace with the power of the Marvel teams, making the X-Men the winner of this category.