
Why did the ring affect Smeagol and not Bilbo?

Why did the ring affect Smeagol and not Bilbo?

It was because Gollum, searching to regain the Ring, wandered close to Mordor and was captured and interrogated by Sauron. The entire time Bilbo had the Ring, Sauron was quietly biding his time, and gathering his Ring-less strength, while the Ring languished, lost, in the deep caverns beneath mountains, with Gollum.

Why was Frodo resistant to the Ring?

Frodo had an innocent character. The innocence made him more immune to the ill-effects of the ring. Frodo did not lust for power. Gandalf and others use power, so they can easily be deceived by it.

Why did the Ring not affect Frodo?

How did Bilbo and Frodo resist the Ring?

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Sauron forged the Ring to amplify his existing powers and to allow him to rule all of Middle-Earth. Frodo and Bilbo didn’t even want to run the Shire, let alone the world, hence their ability to resist the Ring for so long!

Why is Frodo resistant to the Ring?

What effect did the Ring seem to have on Gollum The Hobbit?

His friend and relative Sméagol, who had gone fishing with him, was immediately ensnared by the Ring’s power and demanded that Déagol give it to him as a “birthday present”; when Déagol refused, Sméagol strangled him and took the Ring. It corrupted his body and mind, turning him into the monstrous Gollum.

Why did Sauron seek Gollum when Bilbo had the ring?

However when Bilbo had the ring and possibly used it many times, Sauron sought Gollum to get a hint on where to look for the ring and send the Nazgul after it. Sauron sought Gollum before Bilbo wore the ring at his birthday party, slightly after that time, he was very effective at locating Frodo when Frodoput on the ring.

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Why did Frodo and the other Hobbits travel with Gollum?

The other hobbits that adventure with Frodo are brought along simply because they know enough that they would be tortured by Sauron and his minions to get the little bit of information that they do have. So their lives are already in danger. Now Gollum was originally of a race that was very similar to the hobbits.

Did Frodo know more about the ring than Bilbo?

Frodo also KNEW more of the ring than Bilbo (Gandalf told Frodo whereas with Bilbo he pretty much just kept an eye on the hobbit). That knowing would alter how Frodo would use the ring – whether he willed it or not.

What happened to Sméagol/Gollum?

Sméagol/Gollum was clearly not as resistant to the Ring as Bilbo and Frodo, although even in his case, after hundreds of years of using the Ring, he managed a retain a small vestige of his Hobbit identity. As Gandalf tells Frodo at Bag End Even Gollum was not wholly ruined.