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Is part-time jobs available in Germany for international students?

Is part-time jobs available in Germany for international students?

In Germany, international students may choose to work part-time in a wide range of industries. From waiting at bars or filing documents in offices to working at the university as academic assistants, there are numerous options available.

Can I work and study in Germany at the same time?

Where should you study? Non-EU/EEA students are also able to work in Germany alongside their studies, for 120 full days or 240 half days per year. Note that non-EU students are not permitted to work in a self-employed or freelance capacity. Students in Germany can earn up to €450 (~US$491) per month tax-free.

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How much can a part-time job earn in Germany?

The classic among the part-time jobs is the minijob. You may earn up to 450 euros per month. With a minimum wage of 9.50 euros per hour (as of Jan. 2021), you have to work a maximum of around eleven hours per week or around 47 hours per month for this amount.

Can I get job after bachelors in Germany?

The Federal Employment Agency People from outside the EU who attend German universities are allowed to stay in Germany to look for employment for a maximum of 18 months after completing their degrees. While you’re looking for long-term or permanent employment, you are allowed to work as much as you want.

How can students find jobs in Germany?

How to Find a Job as a Student in Germany

  1. Use the Right Job Search Websites to Cast your Net Widely.
  2. Create a CV that Employers Won’t Be Able to Ignore.
  3. Think About Working at Your University.
  4. Be Aware of German Regulations When Taking Student Work.
  5. Be Ready for Your Student Interviews.
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Are there any part-time jobs available in Germany for international students?

The part-time jobs available in Germany. In this article, we will look at the student part-time jobs available in Germany for international students. Part-time jobs are like mini-jobs. As you do not have to work full time. The number of students moving to Germany is increasing very rapidly.

Can international students work in Germany with a full scholarship?

In Germany even if you are offered a full scholarship, you have day to day expenses to cover. So many students are always in search of jobs. For international students, part-time jobs are the best option. Can I work in Germany with a student visa?

What are the benefits of studying in Germany?

Another benefit is that these jobs have a great salary. Germany provides the students with a one-year post-study work permit along with their student visas, which makes finding these jobs easier and more beneficial to a significant career in Germany. A student can easily find these kinds of jobs in the local newspapers.

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What is the minimum wage for a student in Germany?

The minimum wage has been set by the German government. A student usually earns about 9-15 Euro per hour depending on the part-time. Students can avail a variety of part-time jobs. Each job pay may differ.