Can Spider-Man Beat Galactus?

Can Spider-Man Beat Galactus?

Yes. When Spider-Man gained the Phoenix Force he took down Galactus. In another comic Spider-Man got the power cosmic and was able to destroy planets with ease. Great match.

Is Spider-Man stronger than Galactus?

10 Spider-Man Has Beaten A Herald Of Galactus But Never The Big Man Himself. Galactus is one of the most powerful cosmic villains in the Marvel Universe. At one point, Spider-Man gained the Captain Universe powers, with granted him amazing cosmic powers. These powers let him beat Firelord, a Herald of Galactus.

Who can defeat the Galactus?

Few other heroes square up against the “World-Eater” as much as Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four do. That being said, only one member of the Fantastic Four could defeat Galactus alone and it’s thanks to his unbelievably high intellect. Mr. Fantastic has the perfect brain for taking down the purple spaceman.

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Can Miles Morales beat Galactus?

Miles is mostly a down-to-Earth kind of Spidey, too, but there are exceptions… He didn’t do it single-handed, but he got closer to beating Galactus than Peter ever did.

Who is powerful than Galactus?

As his name implies, the One-Above-All is basically the God of the Marvel Universe. As such, he is the single most powerful character in all of Marvel Comics. No one or no weapon is more powerful than him. Not the Living Tribunal, not the Infinity Gauntlet, and not Galactus – no matter how many planets he eats.

Who is the enemy of Miles Morales?

6 Venom (Ultimate) The next Venom was Miles Morales’ enemy. He was a scientist named Conrad Marcus who created the spider that bit Miles, turning him into Spider-Man.

Which Marvel character can defeat Galactus?

15 Marvel Characters Who Could Defeat Galactus In Seconds 1 Any Character Wielding The Infinity Gauntlet. 2 Mr. Fantastic. 3 The Phoenix Force. 4 The Marvel Zombies. 5 Silver Surfer. 6 Squirrel Girl. 7 The Living Tribunal. 8 The Scarlet Witch. 9 Mad Jim Jaspers. 10 Doctor Strange.

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Can Molecule Man beat Galactus?

That’s ridiculous! As long as Galactus doesn’t have the chance to kill him first, Molecule Man could tear Galactus apart. He’s a being that is a member of an otherworldly race of beings that have incredible powers that make them almost appear to be gods to lesser civilizations.

Could Starro defeat Galactus?

Not that it would make much difference against Galactus. Starro’s only recourse would be an attempt to control the World Devourer through telepathy, but Galactus’ formidable mind and psychic ability would overpower Starro in no time. 1 LOSE: LUCIFER Lucifer is one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe, second only to The Presence.

How powerful is Galactus in the MCU?

It can send a sun into supernova. With this large amount of power and being one of the higher ranked celestials, he can pretty much eliminate any opposition to the natural order, and if that means taking Galactus out to pasture and sending him the way of Old Yeller, then so be it.