
Is space a physical thing?

Is space a physical thing?

Space in our Universe is three dimensional, and when you combine it with time, you get a four dimensional quantity. When it comes to the notion of spacetime curvature, this is what General Relativity refers to. But under no circumstances should you conceive of space as though it’s a material, physical thing; it isn’t.

Is space matter Yes or no?

Everything that has mass and takes up space is matter. They are non-matter. Basically, any type of energy or any abstract concept is an example of something that is not matter.

Does space and time exist?

Einstein showed that time and space are intimately linked and that the progression of time is relative, not absolute. Although there is nothing in physics that says time must flow in a certain direction, scientists generally agree that time is a very real property of the Universe.

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What is the meaning of space?

It is a void that sits there waiting to be filled, as in “I saved space for dessert” or “I found a great parking space.” If you follow this notion, then space is something that can exist by itself without any matter to fill it.

Is space just the lack of stuff?

Most people imagine that space is just the emptiness in which things happen, like a big empty warehouse or a theater stage on which the events of the universe play out. In this view, space is literally the lack of stuff.

What is the bending of space?

We know this because in Einstein’s theory of general relativity that’s what gravity is: the bending of space. 5 When something has mass, it causes the space around it to distort and change shape. When space changes shape, things no longer move through it the way you might first imagine.

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Is space just an empty void?

Space is definitely not an empty void and it is definitely not just a relationship between matter. We know this because we have seen space do things that fit neither of those ideas. We have observed space bend and ripple and expand. This is the part where your brain goes, “Whaaaaat?”