Is a 5 7 guy really short?

Is a 5 7 guy really short?

“Around 68\% of the adult male population are within 3 inches of that height, so 5’7″falls within that majority range. That’s pretty “normal” (i.e. common, typical) for men. So 5’7″ is a little bit shorter than average, but falls within the typical range for an adult male.

Is 5’7 average for a man?

Share on Pinterest The average height for males varies by region, due to health and nutrition. In 2017, the average male in the United States measured 69 inches (5 feet 9 inches). Around a century ago, the average height in the U.S. was 67 inches (5′ 7″). Since then, they have moved to 37th place for average height.

Is 1.74 short for a man?

174 cm is a fairly average height for a man worldwide. For non-Hispanic whites in the United states (between 20 and 29 years of age) it’s shorter than the average for men – 178.2 cm (5 ft 10 in) – but taller than the average for women – 165.0 cm (5 ft 5 in). Originally Answered: Is 173 cm short for a guy (5.8?

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Is 5’7” short for an adult male?

Across most of Asia, 5’7”, is actually the average height for an adult male. However, in many parts of Europe, Australia and some some African countries, 5’7” would be considered short. Not substantially short, but short! From a physical ability standpoint,…

What is considered short for a man?

So, what height is considered short, average, and tall for a man? In the US, your height is regarded as average if you stand 5 feet and 9 inches. You are considered as short if your height is 5 feet and 7 inches or below. On the other hand, you are regarded as tall if you stand 5 feet and 11 inches or higher.

Is 5’9 on the short side for men?

, 5’4 is average height for women and 5′ 9 is average height for men. Yes it is on the short side for men but thanks to you little guys only 5’7, and there are so many of you, you bring down the average height for a man on this planet to be 5 ‘ 9.

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Is 5’7 a good height for a man?

“Around 68\% of the adult male population are within 3 inches of that height, so 5’7″falls within that majority range. That’s pretty “normal” (i.e. common, typical) for men. So 5’7″ is a little bit shorter than average, but falls within the typical range for an adult male. So, i don’t think 5′7″ is gonna be a problem.