Tips and tricks

Do tinder matches happen immediately?

Do tinder matches happen immediately?

For you, it’s an instant match. For the other person it could have been DAYS since they swiped right. Tinder will apparently add in some non-matches while you swipe, so you don’t get a very obvious string of instant matches within the first minute.

How often do girls get matched on Tinder?

Despite the high selectivity of female users, they actually match more often than men. The median female user receives about 2.75 matches per day while the median male user only receives about 1.1 matches.

Why is tinder giving me matches so far away?

Passport – They may be using the Passport feature to check out potential matches in your current location. On a similar note, if you’re a Tinder subscriber and have recently visited another city, you may see people from there for up to 24hrs after changing your location.

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Who shows up first on Tinder?

Hot people come first (allegedly) Those within your gender, age and distance restrictions who have the highest attractiveness score will be the first 10-15 users you see when you first open the app, because this makes you think that Tinder has LOADS of fit people on it.

Can you tell if someone swiped right on Tinder?

When someone swipes right on a Tinder profile, Tinder does NOT send the profile owner any kind of notification. However, if that person is using Tinder Gold, they can see a list of people who swiped right on them. That means they’ll know who has swiped right before they decide to swipe left or right back.

What’s the best distance for Tinder?

Go ahead, set your distance to 1 mile. (Caveat: of course if you are in a sparsely populated area, there may not be enough potential matches within a 1 mile radius, so set your setting as low as it can go as long as you have people to swipe through.)

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Does Tinder show all matches?

You’re limited to 100 right swipes per day in Tinder, to make sure you’re actually looking at profiles and not just spamming everyone to rack up random matches. If you get too swipe-happy, you may notice your number of matches goes down, as Tinder serves your profile to fewer other users.

Does Tinder show your likes?

Our Likes You feature lets you see who Likes You before you decide whether to Like or Nope. Only Tinder Gold and Tinder Platinum subscribers can access the Likes You feature. To subscribe, open Tinder > tap the profile icon > Settings > Get Tinder Gold or Get Tinder Platinum.