Tips and tricks

How can I be like Edward Cullen?

How can I be like Edward Cullen?

  1. Good manners. Edward is old fashioned and is very respectful to everyone.
  2. While he is polite, he is firm and doesn’t let anyone walk all over him nor his loved ones. So be nice, just don’t be a doormat.
  3. Edward is very cultured and speaks quite eloquently, as u/BellaMarieCullen said.
  4. Appreciation for arts.

What kind of vampire is Edward?

Loyalty. Edward Cullen (born Edward Anthony Masen, Jr., on June 20, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois) is a telepathic vampire and a founding member of the Olympic coven, as well as a protagonist of the Twilight Saga.

Who is the oldest living vampire in Twilight?

Amun was the coven’s leader and was one of the only two survivors of the Volturi’s assault during the war between their covens, the other one being Kebi, his mate. Amun is also considered the oldest vampire in the Twilight universe, as he was turned before the Romanian coven – the oldest coven there is – rose to power.

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Why do girls like Edward?

Edward fulfills the natural desire we all have to be desired. He’s also loyal, passionate, kind, and considers Bella’s feelings and wishes a lot more than he gets credit for. Jacob, on the other hand, often thinks he’s protecting Bella, but doesn’t respect her wishes when they go against what he wants for her.

How do I become a vampire in Twilight?

Transformation from human to vampire is described as being “the sharpest memory they have of their human life.” Once a human is bitten, the venom from glands inside the vampire’s mouth is injected into the bloodstream and will travel throughout the body to change every living cell.

How old was Edward Cullen when he turned into a vampire?

The first one to join the coven was Edward, born in 1901 and turned into a vampire by Carlisle in 1918, when he was 17 years-old. Edward was dying of influenza, and his mother begged Carlisle to save him.

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Does Edward Cullen exist in the real world?

If you are talking about the fictional character in Stephanie Mayer’s twilight series then no, a vampire named Edward Cullen does not exist in the real world. Stephanie Mayer’s world is parallel to our own but not exact it is alike enough that it makes it easier to relate to apposed to something like from another planet.

What is Edward Cullen’s power in Twilight?

Of course, people often ask what Edward’s power is, since every vampire in Twilight seems to have something that is special about them. Edward is telepathic and can read other people’s minds (except Bella’s, naturally). This is definitely a good power for him to have, as it comes in very handy. 5 How Did Edward Make Bella A Vampire?

Why do fans love Carlisle Cullen so much?

Twilight fans love Carlisle Cullen and have created memes, and he had a hand in Edward’s transformation from a human to a vampire. Every vampire has a story of how they ended up this way, and Edward’s is really interesting.