Tips and tricks

What questions to ask to keep a conversation going with a guy?

What questions to ask to keep a conversation going with a guy?

Questions to Ask a Guy

  • What’s your all-time favorite movie that you’ve seen a million times?
  • What did you want your job to be when you were a kid?
  • If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world and money wasn’t an issue, where would you go?
  • What would you do if you won the lottery?

How not to be dry when texting?

We’ve rounded up some tips to wet your dry texting whistle.

  1. Don’t take too long to reply.
  2. Avoid one-word responses.
  3. Have a purpose.
  4. Use emojis/GIFs/memes.
  5. Ask interesting questions.
  6. Have a sense of humor.
  7. Read between the lines.
  8. Flirt a little.

How do you keep a conversation going dry when texting?

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17 Ways to Keep a Text Conversation Going

  1. Ask Open-Ended Questions.
  2. Make Your Questions Flirty.
  3. Getting to Know You Ice Breakers.
  4. Participate in the Conversation.
  5. How to Keep a Text Conversation Going.
  6. How to Text Asking for a Date.
  7. Plan Ahead to Keep a Text Conversation Going.

How do you get a guy to keep talking to you?

You have to be really, genuinely interested in knowing all aspects of him for a conversation to be mutually interesting and therefore, steady. If you’re not, sooner or later you’ll find yourself bored and sooner or later he’ll find that out and lose interest and motivation to keep talking to you.

How do you keep a conversation going with a new friend?

Sports, hobbies, and other popular topics are a great way to keep your conversation going. Think about something you both like, even if it’s pretty small. Chatting about a tough class, a mutual friend, or a similar job could help reinvigorate your conversation.

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What is the best way to start a conversation with yourself?

Your goal is to fill in the blanks. The middle is “now,” which is a natural point to start the conversation. So you start talking about the very moment you’re in, then work your way back and forth along the timeline. A natural conversation ripples away from the current moment into both the past and the future.

What keeps a conversation alive when there’s not much else to talk?

Another common topic that can keep a conversation alive even if there’s not much else to talk about, is work. If the guy is an adult professional, he’s spending most of the time in a day working. Naturally, he has a lot of talk about on that front.