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How much water is in space?

How much water is in space?

And now, scientists have found an enormous cloud of water vapor floating in space. Located 30 billion miles away in a quasar – a massively powerful cosmic body – the water cloud is estimated to contain at least 140 trillion times the amount of water in all the seas and oceans here on Earth.

How rare is water in the universe?

As mentioned in another answer, water is indeed quite commonplace throughout the universe. Water appears in nature in all three common states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas). In space, it is abundant in the solid and gaseous forms, though the liquid form has been discovered only on Earth so far.

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Is there a lot of water in the universe?

Water is found in primitive bodies like comets and asteroids, and dwarf planets like Ceres. The atmospheres and interiors of the four giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — are thought to contain enormous quantities of the wet stuff, and their moons and rings have substantial water ice.

Is the Earth 90 water?

The Earth is a watery place. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog.

What planet besides Earth has water?

Earth is the only known planet to have bodies of liquid water on its surface. Europa is thought to have subsurface liquid water. Scientists hypothesize that Europa’s hidden ocean is salty, tidal, and causes its ice surface to move, resulting in large fractures which are clearly visible in the above image.

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Why is the ocean salty for kids?

Because it’s slightly acidic, the rain erodes (breaks down) the rocks. Tiny bits of the minerals from the rocks, called ions, are carried along with the rainwater as it runs into rivers and streams, and the rivers carry them into the ocean. This is what makes the ocean salty.

How common is water in the universe?

So while water is common in the universe, it may tend to evaporate off planets. That would mean Earth is rather rare. Interestingly, while we know the water abundance of these exoplanets, we don’t know the same about the large planets in our solar system.

Is there water in the Solar System and beyond?

The Solar System and Beyond is Awash in Water. NASA’s Dawn mission is currently studying Ceres, which is the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Researchers think Ceres might have a water-rich composition similar to some of the bodies that brought water to the three rocky, inner planets, including Earth.

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How did water get to the inner planets?

Scientists think it was too hot in the solar system’s early days for water to condense into liquid or ice on the inner planets, so it had to be delivered — possibly by comets and water-bearing asteroids. NASA’s Dawn mission is currently studying Ceres, which is the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

What was the universe like 10 billion years ago?

An estimated 10 to 20 billion years ago, the Universe was in an extremely dense state. It exploded in what astronomers call ‘The Big Bang’, and material was blasted out into empty space. Initially the material was extremely hot. Eventually, the Universe expanded and cooled.