
What is a good self-esteem scale?

What is a good self-esteem scale?

The scale ranges from 0-30. Scores between 15 and 25 are within normal range; scores below 15 suggest low self-esteem.

How is self-esteem level measured?

The Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES), developed by the sociologist Morris Rosenberg, is a self-esteem measure widely used in social-science research. It uses a scale of 0–30 where a score less than 15 may indicate a problematic low self esteem. The RSES is designed similar to the social-survey questionnaires.

How do you measure high and low self esteem?

  1. Self-esteem refers to the positive (high self-esteem) or negative (low self-esteem) feelings that we have about ourselves.
  2. Self-esteem is determined both by our own achievements and accomplishments and by how we think others are judging us.
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What is your confidence level?

The confidence level tells you how sure you can be. It is expressed as a percentage and represents how often the true percentage of the population who would pick an answer that lies within the confidence interval.

How do you measure self-esteem in children?

Method for evaluating self-esteem

  1. Rosenberg self-esteem scale.
  2. Janis-field feeling of inadequacy scale.
  3. Coopersmith self-esteem inventory.
  4. Pope’s 5-scale test of self-esteem for children.
  5. Kid- KINDL.
  6. Ziller social self-esteem scale.
  7. Implicit association test.

How is the State self-esteem Scale scored?

Each item is scored on a 5-point scale (1 = not at all, 2 = a little bit, 3 = somewhat, 4 = very much, and 5 = extremely).

Is self-esteem measurable?

An important note is that self-esteem is not fixed. It is malleable and measurable, meaning we can test for and improve upon it.

What are the factors that affect self-confidence Class 10?


  • Answer:
  • Explanation:
  • Childhood. Your childhood is one of the main contributing influences to your self-confidence. …
  • Society. The pressure of society is a main contributor of low self-confidence. …
  • Media. …
  • Friends and Family. …
  • Relationships. …
  • Work Environment. …
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Can you have high and low self-esteem?

Sometimes low self-esteem can result in high self-confidence. Ligia Ramos and Peter Koijen from In2Motivation, an Amsterdam-based personal and professional development company, explain why this is.

What is my self-esteem?

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It’s based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves, which can sometimes feel really difficult to change. Your self-esteem can affect whether you: like and value yourself as a person.

What is a good self esteem score?

Self-Esteem AssessmentOn a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest confidence score, 5 being an average confidence score, and 1 being the lowest or no confidence score), rate how you feel about yourself in each of the 16 areas. Use any number between 1 and 10 to accurately describe your feelings.

What is the Sise 5 point self esteem scale?

The Single-Item Self-Esteem Scale (SISE) developed by Robins, Hendin, & Trzesniewski (2001) measures global self-esteem using one question. Respondents rate their level of agreement with the statement, “ I have high self-esteem .”. The 5-point scale ranges from 1 (not very true of me) to 5 (very true of me.)

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How can I measure the stability of self-esteem in adults?

It measures global self-concept in children in grades 1 through 8. Another possibility while working with adult populations is to assess the stability of self-esteem. To do this, you might use the Self-Esteem Stability Scale.

What is the Best Self Esteem Scale for preschoolers?

1 Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale — High reliability and validity are the trademarks of this instrument. 2 McDaniel-Piers Scale — Reliable and popular, this tool is best for ages 6 to 9. 3 Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem Scale — This is useful as a teacher’s reporting instrument.