How can I give birth to an intelligent baby?

How can I give birth to an intelligent baby?

To ensure your baby inherits your braininess, we bring you eight tips that ensure your baby is smart and intelligent….

  1. Start a storytime habit.
  2. Eat healthy.
  3. Stay fit and active.
  4. Play music and get talking.
  5. Keep thyroid levels in check.
  6. Don’t ignore the supplements.

How can I raise my baby to be a genius?

How to raise a future genius

  1. Speak to your child – constantly. “This may seem simple,” says Siddiqi,“but parents often don’t realise the immense learning potential of their child.
  2. Teach your child to read early.
  3. Make movement a habit.
  4. Teach your child another language.
  5. Expose your child to music.

How do you Say my Wife has given birth?

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“My wife has given birth.” is a more normal phrasing. In speaking, something more direct is possible “I’m a father!!” is simple and direct. Tom and Mary are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter. The baby (or use the baby’s name) was born at 3am on the 10th of April and weighed 2.9kg

What are some tips for giving birth at home?

Tips Have competent friends or a registered nurse nearby. Never give birth alone — without a doctor or nurse nearby. If you can, wash the vulva before the baby comes. During a water birth, bring the baby slowly to the surface (in a swift safe manner) holding baby upright and under its arms.

Should I give my Wife a gift after she’s born?

Giving a gift to your wife after she’s given birth is sometimes called a push present, and in general, I love the idea.

What does it mean to give birth at home?

Last Updated: May 24, 2021 References A “home birth” is when a woman chooses to give birth in her own home rather than in a hospital. Some women prefer the idea of a home birth for a variety of reasons – for instance, it can give mothers greater freedom during their labor to move, eat and bathe.