
What is linear bruising?

What is linear bruising?

It is well accepted that bruising on the skin that depicts an object or pattern is highly suspicious for inflicted trauma. [11-13] For example, a linear bruise may indicate that the child was hit with a stick-like object, and parallel linear bruises may indicate that the child was slapped with a hand.

When should I worry about bruises on my child?

Bruises are usually nothing to worry about. But you should take your child to see your GP if they have bruises that don’t seem related to everyday childhood bumps and falls. For example, you might want to see your GP if your child: seems to bruise more easily than other children.

What do pinch marks look like?

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The most common types are grab marks or squeeze marks, oval-shaped bruises that resemble fingerprints. Grab marks usually are due to being held during violent shaking. The most common site is the upper arm or shoulder.

How do you know if your mother is a controlling mother?

When a letter came in the mail addressed to me, she opened it, she went through my books and even my personal belongings anytime she wanted to, and she even checked up on my whereabouts when I was able to leave. A huge sign of having a controlling mother is definitely the lack of privacy. There are just no boundaries that she will not cross. 2.

How do unloving mothers shape a daughter by their absence?

Unloving mothers do not, by and large, exhibit these behaviors either reliably or consistently, if at all. These are the behaviors that shape a daughter by their absence. 1. Demonstrates empathy and attunement. Beginning in infancy, the dyadic dance of mother and child lays down the mental representations of what the world of relationship is like.

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Is it possible to recover from an unloving mother?

That’s true of unloving mothers, too, even though there are observable differences in how they behave and treat their daughters. As I explain in my new book, Daughter Detox: Recovering from an Unloving Mother and Reclaiming Your Life, specific maternal behaviors shape daughters in very specific ways.

How do you know if your mother is toxic?

“If you feel jealous of your friends’ mothers, if you wish you could spend a day having fun with your own mother without being on high alert in her company, nervously anticipating her next insult, outburst, or scene, your mother may be toxic,” Scott-Hudson says.