Tips and tricks

Why did Malfoy stay at Hogwarts for Christmas?

Why did Malfoy stay at Hogwarts for Christmas?

He was too interested in what was happening at Hogwarts. He wouldn’t miss an opportunity to see the drama unfold, especially if it meant another muggleborn being attacked or even killed. He desperately wanted to be in the middle of it, to “help” Slytherin’s heir.

How old is Lucius 2021?

Birthdate: c. 1954 (formula: he was 41 years old in the fall of 1995, which means he was probably born in 1954 (OP15)). Death: According to Draco, Lucius had passed away by 2020 (CC).

Does Hermione go home for Christmas?

The Weasley family, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter celebrating Christmas at 12 Grimmauld Place Hermione Granger had gone home for the holidays, but when Albus Dumbledore sent her word of what had happened, she cancelled her skiing plans with her parents and took the Knight Bus to join Harry and the Weasleys.

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How does Harry Potter meet Draco Malfoy in the book?

However, in the book, things are different. Harry and Draco actually meet for the first time in Diagon Alley, in Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Unintentionally, Draco makes his future enemy feel rather thick and foolish by talking about the wizarding world – oblivious that Harry is only just getting his head round the whole thing.

Why was Draco Malfoy’s redemption scene in Deathly Hallows 2 never added?

Such is the case of a particular scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, which added to the moment of redemption Draco Malfoy wasn’t given in the books, but the crew behind the film ultimately decided not to add it, which probably wasn’t the wisest idea.

What happened to the Malfoys after the Battle of Hogwarts?

In the book the Malfoys didn’t leave — they just didn’t bother to fight. The culmination of the events directly preceding the final battle had clarified a few things for Narcissa (and, through her, Lucius); the most important of these was that Voldemort was a dead man walking.

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How did Harry Potter spend Christmas at Hogwarts?

Harry Potter chose to spend the Christmas holidays during his first year at Hogwarts, having no desire to spend the holiday period with the Dursleys. His friend Ron Weasley stayed with him, while Hermione Granger headed home to see her parents.