
What did California vote in 2004?

What did California vote in 2004?

California was won by Democratic nominee John Kerry by a 9.95\% margin of victory. Prior to the election, all 12 news organizations considered this a state Kerry would win, or otherwise considered as a safe blue state.

Did Ronald Reagan win California?

California voted for the Republican incumbent and former California Governor, Ronald Reagan, in a landslide over the Democratic challenger, former Minnesota Senator and Vice President Walter Mondale. Reagan easily won his home state with a comfortable 16.24\% margin and carried all but five counties.

How many votes was California worth in 2008?

2008 United States presidential election in California

Home state Illinois Arizona
Running mate Joe Biden Sarah Palin
Electoral vote 55 0
Popular vote 8,274,473 5,011,781
Percentage 61.01\% 36.95\%
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Who won California in 2000 presidential election?

California was won by the Democratic ticket of Vice President Al Gore of Tennessee and Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut by 11.8\% points over the Republican ticket of Texas Governor George W. Bush and former U.S. Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney of Wyoming.

Has there been a president that won all 50 states?

A complete fifty-state victory has not been accomplished since the fiftieth state was admitted into the union, though there have been several landslide victories: In 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt carried 46 of 48 states, losing only Maine and Vermont. In 1972 with Richard Nixon losing only Massachusetts.

How many electoral votes did California have 1992?

1992 United States presidential election in California

Party Democratic Independent
Home state Arkansas Texas
Running mate Al Gore James Stockdale
Electoral vote 54 0
Popular vote 5,121,325 2,296,006

Who won California in 2012?

According to Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s website, the President won the popular vote with 60.24 percent, with Mitt Romney in second place at 37.12\%, and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson in third place at 1.10\%. The Democrats have won the state in every presidential election after Republican George H. W.

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How many votes did Obama win by in 2012?

The campaign was marked by a sharp rise in fundraising, including from nominally independent Super PACs. Obama defeated Romney, winning a majority of both the Electoral College and the popular vote. Obama won 332 electoral votes and 51.1\% of the popular vote compared to Romney’s 206 electoral votes and 47.2\%.