What is the CGPA of 85?

What is the CGPA of 85?

Letter Grade GPA Quality Points Range for the CGPA/GPA
A 4.0 90 -100
A- 3.7 85-89
B+ 3.3 80-84
B 3.0 75-79

Is ICSE result CGPA or percentage?

How to Calculate ICSE Class 10th Percentage from Grade?

Grade Percentage Range Grade Position
A 80\% – 89\% Excellent
B+ 70\% – 79\% Very Good
B 60\% – 69\% Good
C+ 50\% – 59\% Above Average

How is CGPA calculated for ICSE?

Subject wise indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 X GP of the subject. Overall indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 X CGPA.

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How can I convert CGPA into marks?

To convert your CGPA to marks, you need to first convert it into percentage, by multiplying CGPA to 9.5 and then multiply your percentage/100 to the total marks of all subjects. What is maximum marks CGPA? The CGPA between 9.5 to 10 Grade Point is considered as the maximum marks CGPA.

What is the CGPA of 89\%?

Conversion of 89 Percentage to CGPA 89 is the Percentage of the student. So, the approximate CGPA obtained by a student is 9.4.

What is the CGPA of 87\%?

87 is the Percentage of the student. So, the approximate CGPA obtained by a student is 9.2.

How do you convert marks into percentage?

In order to find the percentage of the marks, we divide the total scores with marks obtained in the examination and then multiply the result with 100. Example: Suppose if 1156 is the total score obtained by you in the examination out of 1200 marks, then you divide 1156 by 1200, and then multiply it by 100.

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What is the meaning of 89 grade in ICSE?

Grade shows the range in which u got the marks lke if u get 90+ in any group then ur grade is 1 but if its 89 grade will be 2. Each grade is for a particular range of marks. , Coaching students of ICSE for 16 years in english ,history and geography .

Is it bad to score 65\% in ICSE board exam?

Scoring 65\% marks in the ICSE board exam is very bad. The reason behind this is that 65\% of marks show that you have just studied 2, 3 days before your exam. The question paper of this board is very easy which you can easily solve if you have prepared your syllabus.

Does the ICSE marksheet include the overall percentage of a subject?

As Harsh as said rightly, the ICSE Marks sheet includes each subjects marks and grades but not the overall percentage. The PCB-marks are combined as Science marks.

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How to score more than 90\% marks in 10th 12th Board Exam?

11 Tips To Score More Than 90\% Marks In 10th 12th Board Exam. 1 1. Defeat Yourself. 2 2. Stick with your syllabus book – Mind It. 3 3. Be careful with your weak points. 4 4. Time will kill your marks. 5 5. Practicing from the sample and previous year papers is the best way.
