
How would a thermometer be different if the glass container expanded more with increasing temperature than its content liquid mercury?

How would a thermometer be different if the glass container expanded more with increasing temperature than its content liquid mercury?

If glass expanded more with increasing temperature than mercury the scale of the thermometer would be upside down.

What would happen if the glass of a thermometer were to expand as much as the mercury within it?

Fluid in-glass thermometers depend on the rule of thermal expansion of substances. In the event that the glass was to expand more than the fluid, the fluid level would fall comparative with the tube wall as the thermometer when it is warmed.

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What will happen if the glass of thermometer and the mercury it contains have the same rates of expansion for changes in temperature?

The glass expansion is often so small as to be considered negligible (though it does change volume with change in temperature, as well). So, as long as the mercury and the glass experience the same ΔT, they will expand together.

How would a thermometer be different if glass expanded?

If glass expanded more with increasing temperature than mercury, the scale of the thermometer would be upside down.

Why is glass used in thermometers?

Glass has a very low coefficient of thermal expansion. This is the reason why thermometer bulb or for a matter of fact entire thermometer is made up of glass. Due to low coefficient of thermal expansion, when the thermometer undergoes a large temperature change it will have minimal change in dimensions.

Which has the larger coefficient of linear expansion glass or mercury?

Based on the operation of these common thermometers, which has the larger coefficient of linear expansion, glass or mercury? Mercury. If the glass expanded more than the mercury, the reading would go down as the temperature went up!

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Which of the following expands most when the temperature is increased equal volumes of?

Which of the following expands most when temperature is increased? Reasoning: Helium expands more because it is a gas.

What is the coefficient of volume expansion for mercury?

1.80 × 10−4/C°
The accepted value of the coefficient of volume expansion of mercury is 1.80 × 10−4/C°.

What is liquid in glass thermometers?

It consists of mercury as a liquid filled in a glass tube. On the body of the glass tube, calibrated marks are provided which facilitates the reading of temperature. A bulb is formed at one end of the thermometer which contains the largest part of mercury.

Where is liquid in glass thermometer used?

Applications. Liquid-in-glass thermometers are mainly employed in the Navy and Marine Corps in different configurations. They are also applied in meteorological and oceanographic applications, where they are generally calibrated by graduations eternally engraved into the glass.

Why only mercury is used in thermometer?

Mercury is the only one in liquid state at room temperature. It’s used in thermometers because it has high coefficient of expansion. Hence, the slightest change in temperature is notable when it’s used in a thermometer. It also has a high boiling point which makes it very suitable to measure higher temperatures.

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What is the principle behind liquid-in-glass thermometers?

This is the principle behind liquid-in-glass thermometers. An increase in temperature results in the expansion of the liquid which means it rises up the glass. Molecules within gases are further apart and weakly attracted to each other.

What happens to the pressure in a constant volume gas thermometer?

In a constant volume gas thermometer, the pressure increases when the temperature increases. Constant volume gas thermometer measures temperature in the range 0k to 500 k.

How long does it take for a thermometer to read temperature?

Digital thermometers may take longer than 30 seconds before beeping when using this method. Glass thermometers need to be held in place for 7 to 10 minutes. Remove the thermometer and read the temperature.

Does temperature affect the pressure of a gas?

However, gases that are contained in a fixed volume cannot expand – and so increases in temperature result in increases in pressure. 1 2 3