
Is data Analytics a dying career?

Is data Analytics a dying career?

Unfortunately, if we look back at how data scientist role is performing in the technology sector, it is more like the profession is slowly dying. If we consider the ‘best jobs’ ranking from 2017 to 2019, we see the data scientist role being dramatically losing its place.

Is data Analytics a dead end?

Data science can be a career dead-end Even if many flavors of data science are gaining new popularity, like Artificial Intelligence and all other marketing hype that goes with it, the profession is mostly good for early tenure learners only.

Is data science still relevant?

So is data science still a rising career in 2021? The answer is a resounding YES! Demand across the world for Data Scientists are in no way of slowing down, and the lack of competition for these jobs makes data science a very lucrative option for a career path.

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Why there is hype around data science?

The frequent overuse of “AI” when referring to any solution that makes any kind of prediction has been a major cause of this hype. Because of frequent overuse, people instinctively associate data science projects with near perfect human-like autonomous solutions.

Is data analytics over-hyped?

While R, Python, and SQL are arguably the top 3 most essential tools to learn as a d(Continue reading) I do not believe that the Data Analytics is over-hyped…but it is certainly hyped. The simple reason is, we have automated processes ( business processes, human processes etc.,). When we did this, those processes were generating data.

Is data science the end of the hype cycle?

Data science is reaching the end of its hype cycle and the skills for becoming a data scientist are changing. Besides of fiddling about the best performant machine learning model, it is more important than ever to make data science with business impact.

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Is data science hyped too much?

It seems like data science has been hyped a lot. Of course, I understand that this hype was necessary (e.g. competition on analytics (D avenport, 2006) or to push traditional departments like IT or Marketing). However, I finally found a very nice article from Dominik Haitz (2019), a data scientist in a German telecommunication company.

Is DataScience a good career?

Most of the people who want to call themselves datascientists are actually big-data analysts and these jobs are dying as ai takes over. The employable ones are those who see datascience as just one tool in their toolkit. When you get past the dogma, diatribe and gold-rush fever of Data Science, there is a very real field with extreme utility.