
Is Galactus stronger than Thanos with Infinity Stones?

Is Galactus stronger than Thanos with Infinity Stones?

Yes, Galactus is way more powerful than Thanos. Only time when Thanos was powerful than Galactus was when he wielded the power of Infinity Gems, Heart of the Universe, and Cosmic Cube.

Did Thanos beat Galactus with Infinity Gauntlet?

Galactus is rumored to be the next major villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Thanos already defeated him in the comics — many times. Thanos didn’t defeat a full powered Galactus, the infinity gauntlet did. And Thanos with the Gauntlet was a Universe level threat.

Can Thanos beat Galactus?

While Thanos did do severe damage, Galactus still got right up and defeated Thanos. The only way for Thanos to win is if he had some sort of special item like the Cosmic Cube. But since those aren’t things he has in most circumstances, Thanos gets defeated. Winner: Galactus.

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What would happen if Galactus got the Infinity Stones?

Galactus is already one of the most powerful cosmic entities in existence. With the Infinity Stones, he’d erase Thanos from existence with the blink of an eye. Now, if you mean that Thanos has the Infinity Stones…

Can Thanos defeat Galactus with Infinity Gauntlet?

While Thanos could most likely defeat Galactus with the Infinity Gauntlet, it is apparent that without it, his great power is comparatively meaningless. Galactus has spent millennia wandering the cosmos and consuming entire worlds as a pastime, so one grouchy Eternal is no issue.

What did Thanos do to Galactus?

The Stones are sent to the far reaches of the universe, while Thanos returns to Soul Stone to Adam Warlock. Thanos gives Galactus a stern talking-to, telling him his “prudent foresightedness” and his downfall will happen without thinking about the effects of his desires.

Can Thanos beat Deadpool?

After cursing Deadpool with immortality, no amount of harm Thanos caused could beat Deadpool. His entire body could be disintegrated, and Deadpool would reform and revive. This means that by default, Thanos can never definitively beat Deadpool. Thanos accidentally created an opponent he can never, ever kill.