
How do you deal with attention-seeking coworkers?

How do you deal with attention-seeking coworkers?

How to respond: The best way to combat attention-seeking is to withhold your attention. Listening or responding will only reinforce this behavior, so when your coworker begins a dramatic monologue, politely excuse yourself by saying that you must get back to work.

How do you tolerate an annoying coworker?

How to Handle Annoying and Obnoxious Coworkers

  1. Be Direct. Your coworkers might unknowingly act in obnoxious or annoying ways simply because they aren’t aware of the way their behavior affects others.
  2. Turn to White Noise.
  3. Avoid Gossip.
  4. Breathe, Laugh and Be Positive.

How do you deal with childish adults at work?

How to handle immature coworkers

  1. Identify immaturity. Know the signs of immaturity and childish behavior so that you can identify this problem and differentiate it from other challenges you may encounter with a coworker.
  2. Speak to team members.
  3. Seek mediation.
  4. Address the immature actions.
  5. Create a plan.
  6. Follow up.
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How can you tell if someone is attention-seeking?

What it may look like

  • fishing for compliments by pointing out achievements and seeking validation.
  • being controversial to provoke a reaction.
  • exaggerating and embellishing stories to gain praise or sympathy.
  • pretending to be unable to do something so someone will teach, help, or watch the attempt to do it.

How do you solve attention-seeking behavior?

What To Do About an Attention-Seeking Child

  1. Catch them being good. Give attention for appropriate behavior.
  2. Ignore the misbehavior but not the child. When the child misbehaves, resist the temptation to lecture, nag, scold, yell, or punish.
  3. Be consistent. It’s the only way children know we mean what we say.
  4. Repeat.

How do you deal with annoying co-workers at work?

Even if you consider yourself an extrovert and don’t mind conversation, there will be those co-workers who get under your skin. Whenever your annoying co-worker begins distracting you from your work, politely tell them to respect your space and to only speak to you if their question is work-related. 6. Be assertive.

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How do you politely tell a chatty coworker to go away?

Politely tell chatty co-workers to go away by setting their expectations straight — right when they show up at your desk wanting to talk. Green has a few suggestions: Use an innocent white lie, like saying you’re on deadline.

How do you deal with a rude coworker at work?

When you’re beyond frustrated with someone’s behavior, Green says you should try to feel compassion toward that person, stop and ask yourself why you’re irritated, and remember that you’re being paid to get along reasonably well with your co-workers. “The way you treat her will reflect on you,” she writes.

What to do when a co-worker is a slacker or arrogant?

If your co-worker is a slacker or super arrogant, just ignore them. If your boss is yet to catch on to the problem or simply lets it slide by, it’s not your problem to worry about. Even if it drives you nuts your co-worker is never prepared or brags all of the time about nothing, don’t feed into their flaw.