
Which book should I read for JEE mains?

Which book should I read for JEE mains?

Best Books for JEE Mains Physics

Fundamentals of Physics Halliday & Resnick
Understanding Physics set of 5 books DC Pandey
40 Years’ Chapterwise Topicwise: Solved Papers (2018-1979) IIT JEE Physics DC Pandey
Problems in General Physics I.E Irodov

Which is the best book for Maths for JEE Mains?

Ans: Undoubtedly, NCERTs are one of the most preferred and used books for practising Maths but if we talk about the JEE exam, they are considered as best books only for JEE Mains, and these books will not be enough as they will not be sufficient for practising and covering complex JEE Advanced problems.

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What is JEE Mains permutations and combinations revision note?

With JEE Mains Permutations and Combinations revision notes, Students will be able to learn and revise all the formulas and Important types or concepts at any time before the actual exam and even before attempting the sample papers or previous year papers which will accelerate their preparation level.

Which is the best book for learning permutations and combinations?

Hope you enjoy this answer and love this book too. Happy learning. In my opinion S.K. GOYAL arihant is the best book for permutations and combinations. It not only contains explanation for various topics but also have many short tricks, an aid to memory.

How to prepare for JEE Main and JEE Advanced exam?

All notes of Important chapters such as matrices, determinants, vectors, geometry, probability and permutation and combination revision notes for JEE Main and JEE Advanced, etc. Solving previous year papers and sample papers will help you a lot in improving your speed and accuracy along with the examination pressure and atmosphere.