
Can a cheating husband be a good father?

Can a cheating husband be a good father?

As long as the affair isn’t taking time from being with the kids, then there is no effect on parent-child relationship. In fact, if the affair helps a spouse stay married and happy in an otherwise sexless marriage, then the affair can help you be a better parent.

Can a man regret cheating?

Another truth: Men have varying levels of remorse and guilt after cheating, whether their partners know anything about their affairs or not. He feels deep remorse and regret. Other times, he lives guilt-free, and sees the cheating as a necessary catalyst for change or something that, well, just happened.

What happens when you find out your dad is cheating?

9 Stages You Will Go Through When You Find Out Your Dad Is Cheating 1. You go to say goodbye to your dad one day. He’s looking at a weird website, it kind of looks like porn. You think,… 2. Hate. You basically want to cut that asshole out of your life. How could he do that to your mom? The woman

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Do men cheat after having kids?

Ironically, this website is also your dad’s tool of choice for meeting up with women. You create an account and find your dad. You see his ratings and comments by past lovers. You want to barf. You keep Googling why men cheat. Most of the studies you read point out men begin to cheat after they have children.

Why do some men leave their families behind?

Possibly some of them are simply immature and irresponsible and give not a thought or care to the wife and little ones left behind. But more likely many of these men agonize and suffer over the loss of their family.

Does society want men to accept the obligations of fatherhood?

Our society wants men to accept obligations of fatherhood, but they are not respected for doing so. In the media, fathers are mostly portrayed as clueless, hapless buffoons – or, occasionally, as violent abusers.