
What is a flanking position?

What is a flanking position?

A form of defense in which the defender takes up a position so located that the enemy will expose his flanks or line of communications if he continues his advance.

What does flanking mean in military?

In military strategy, flanking is attacking the opponent from the side. It’s effective because the enemy’s strength is usually concentrated at the front. By attacking the side, you’re more likely to hit a weaker spot, one less defended – giving you an advantage.

What does flank mean in shooting?

Flanking is the process of approaching the enemy from the sides where their focal point is. This is to gain an advantage in position over the enemy.

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What do you mean by flank?

1a : the fleshy part of the side between the ribs and the hip broadly : the side of a quadruped She gently patted the horse’s flank. b : a cut of meat from this part of an animal — see beef illustration. 2a : side the eastern flank of a volcano. b : the right or left of a formation attacked the enemy on both flanks.

What is a flank wall?

Flank-wall: The flank wall is the exposed wall of a property which is not the front or rear wall; most notably the exposed side wall on an end-of terrace.

What is the definition of the term flank?

Definition of flank 1a : the fleshy part of the side between the ribs and the hip broadly : the side of a quadruped She gently patted the horse’s flank. b : a cut of meat from this part of an animal — see beef illustration. 2a : side the eastern flank of a volcano.

What is the flank area?

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Your flanks are the areas around the sides of your body from your upper abdomen to your back.

What is the meaning of flank in biology?

Flanking region. (Science: molecular biology) The dna sequences extending on either side of a specific locus or gene.

What does flanked mean in law?

Flanking an enemy means attacking from one or more sides, at an angle to the enemy’s direction of engagement. Upon receiving fire from the enemy, the unit commander may decide to order a flank attack.

What is a flank Gable?

The flank wall, which is either side of a detached house or at the end of a terrace or semi, and the gable, which sits above it within the slant of the roof, often take the brunt of the bad weather, and are frequently more difficult to access.

What is the purpose of a flanking maneuver?

In military tactics, a flanking maneuver, or flanking manoeuvre is a movement of an armed force around a flank to achieve an advantageous position over an enemy. Flanking is useful because a force’s offensive power is concentrated in its front.

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What is the purpose of flank attack?

Flanking is useful because a force’s offensive power is concentrated in its front. Therefore, to circumvent a force’s front and attack a flank is to concentrate offense in the area where the enemy is least able to concentrate defense. Flanking can also occur at the operational and strategic levels of warfare.

How do you restrict the mobility of an enemy force?

By cutting the enemy columns or units into smaller groups, a mobile force can restrict the mobility of a stronger enemy and defeat it in detail. The name comes from the Finnish word for a cubic meter of firewood, and the strategy was used extensively during the Winter War.