
What do you think about Jordan Peterson?

What do you think about Jordan Peterson?

Peterson fatally combines science with mysticism. Often when he talks about science he becomes mystical, and then tries to back it up with deep evolutionary or scientific ‘truths’. It is invigorating to see Peterson fill up stadiums with many people of my generation, capturing their positive spirit of rebellion against PC orthodoxy.

What are Michael Peterson’s weaknesses?

The second problem with Peterson is the weakness of his commitment to science and reason. He may continuously talk of ‘the scientific literature’ and the realities of our biological condition, but his understanding of (if not commitment to) science is fundamentally flawed. Take his discussion of rats.

Why did Jordan Peterson threaten to Sue Kate Manne?

Peterson also allegedly threatened to sue Kate Manne, an associate professor at Cornell University in the US, the online news platform Vox and Cornell University, all for an interview Manne gave to Vox. In it, she described Peterson’s ideas as misogynistic, among other unflattering epithets.

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What is Jordan Peterson’s lawsuit against Canadian universities about?

Peterson says his lawsuit is intended to ‘convince careless university professors and administrators… to be much more circumspect in their actions and their words’. So watch what you say, professors and administrators of Canada, or Peterson will set the law upon you!

However Peterson is so much more than a crusader for free speech. His Mind Map lectures (posted on you tube) provide a tremendous insight into Nietzsche, Jung, Solzhenitsyn and Piaget and he is by all accounts an extremely informed and rigorous thinker when it comes to understanding the development of personality.

Who is John Peterson?

Peterson (who used to be a member of Canada’s social democratic NDP) first came to the fore publicly when he released a series of videos around free speech in the political correct context. His specific objection was Bill C-16 that was introduced in the Canadian Parliament by the Trudeau government.

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Is John Peterson right or left-wing?

Peterson is not a man of either the right or the left but a brave figure fighting a critical battle for the integrity of our academic heritage which once again is being threatened by ideological group think.