How can I disown my father legally in India?

How can I disown my father legally in India?

You are free to disassociate yourself from your parents. No legal document is required to be executed. During the lifetime of parents children do not have a share in their property under the Hindu law. Your parents are free to execute a will to exclude you from succession to their properties post their lifetime.

How do I legally end my relationship with my father?

There is no legal procedure to leave the house of your parents. After attaining majority you are free to leave them and reside at a place of your will. Police has no authority under any law to take you back to your parents upon attaining age of majority i.e. 18 years.

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Can you renounce your parents?

If you are a teenager, the legal way to disown your family is to become “emancipated” from them. This means you’ll be legally treated as an adult with the right to make your own decisions, and your parents will no longer be your legal guardians. In most states, you have to be over 16 to pursue emancipation.

Can I complain against my father?

You can file domestic violence and 498 A of IPC case against your father. Further you can approach the Court for protection from your father.

Can I legally disown my parents in India?

Parents have a right to do whatever they wish to do with their self-acquired property and children have no right to claim the same, if they (parents) wish to donate it to someone and not give it to their children. (just in case) Originally Answered: How can I disown my parents legally in India? Well, no!!

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What are the rights of a person separated from their parents?

For separate living , your parents have no right to dictate any terms on you. For marriage too you have your own freedom and choose your life. I hope you get some idea about term separation. But still your life time you have responsibility to maintain your parents as it is a legal commitment too. Why you want to separated from your parents?

Can my parents dictate the terms of my separate living?

For separate living , your parents have no right to dictate any terms on you. For marriage too you have your own freedom and choose your life. I hope you get some idea about term separation. But still your life time you have responsibility to maintain your parents as it is a legal commitment too.

How do I legally disown my parents?

Simple. Going to court and filling an application stating that you disown your parents and that you will not be responsible for any third party who do any sort of transaction with them.