
What is the difference between a straight line and a curved line?

What is the difference between a straight line and a curved line?

If a point moves in only one direction, we get a straight line. A line that is not straight is a curved line. If a point does not move in one direction, we get a curve.

What does a straight line in a curved space mean?

Moving through curved space is not the same as driving down a curved road, because when you’re moving through curved space, you think you’re travelling in a straight line! Thus the line (which is the shortest distance between two points, as defined by geometry) of your path is not straight, but curved.

Is space a straight line?

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The short answer is: a straight line in space is only possible with continuous acceleration (because without acceleration the Sun forces the path to be an elliptical or hyperbolic orbit, depending on total energy).

How do you differentiate a straight line?

Yes, if you have a function of the form f(x)=mx+b, (a line) then the derivative would be f′(x)=m, meaning that the slope of the tangent line is m. The tangent line at x∗ is a straight line which touches f(x∗) and has the slope equal to the derivative f′(x) at the point x∗.

What is the difference between curve and line segment?

As nouns the difference between line and curve is that line is a path through two or more points (compare ‘segment’ ); a continuous mark, including as made by a pen; any path, curved or straight or line can be (obsolete) flax; linen, particularly the longer fiber of flax while curve is a gentle bend, such as in a road.

Is a straight line always the shortest distance?

No, a straight line isn’t always the shortest distance between two points. For flat surfaces, a line is indeed the shortest distance, but for spherical surfaces, like Earth, great-circle distances actually represent the true shortest distance.

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Is a geodesic always a straight line?

The geodesics are straight lines, in geodesic normal coordinates, just when the associated projective connection is flat.

Does space have a straight or curved path?

So curvature of space has the same effect as a force and that’s what gravity is. Because space is curved, even light rays must be deflected by gravity. A heavy object like a galaxy can distort light rays so much that it alters the images of objects beyond it, like a lens.

What is the difference between straight line and curved line?

Difference Between Straight and Curved Line. A straight line is the shortest line which joins any two points. It always moves in one direction. A bent line which is not straight is called Curved Line. It doesn’t move in one direction.

What is the difference between a straight and a bent line?

A straight line is the shortest line which joins any two points. It always moves in one direction. A bent line which is not straight is called Curved Line. It doesn’t move in one direction. There are many examples of curved lines like the alphabets – C and S.

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What is a simple curve that doesn’t cross itself called?

A curve that doesn’t cross itself is called a simple curve, otherwise, it is a complex (or non-simple) curve. For example, “U” is the simple curve and “8” is the non-simple curve.

What is a curve line in art?

A curve line is the one that is not straight and is bent. If the curvature is not zero, it is considered as a curve line. Ideally, it is smooth and continuous. You see curves everywhere around you. Be it art or decoration or a general thing, curves can be seen around you.