
What launch angle gives us the maximum horizontal range?

What launch angle gives us the maximum horizontal range?

45 degrees
The textbooks say that the maximum range for projectile motion (with no air resistance) is 45 degrees.

What is the best angle to launch a rocket?

A launch angle of 45 degrees maximizes the range (see the figure below). When a projectile is launched, it has both a vertical velocity and a horizontal velocity. (NOTE: If the wind velocity is high and coming from behind, then the rocket may go further if the angle is increased above 45 degrees.

How does the launch angle affect the horizontal range of a projectile?

Answer: C Explanation: The maximum range occurs for a launch angle of 45°. This highest point increases as the angle increases. At a 75° launch angle, the maximum height is approximately 76 meters. However, a further increase in launch angle beyond this 75° angle will increase the peak height even more.

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What angle gives you the greatest height?

The peak height of a projectile is determined by the initial value of the vertical velocity component. The greater the initial value of vy, the higher that a projectile will rise. The projectile launched at 60-degrees has the greatest vy, and as such the greatest peak height.

How do you maximize the range of a projectile?

To maximize the range with respect to the firing angle θ we differentiate R with respect to θ and set this equal to 0. g 2 ∙ cos 2θ ( ) ∙ 0 therefore 2θ π 2 from which we obtain θ π 4 or 45 degrees. Suppose now we fire the projectile up a ramp which makes an angle α with respect to the horizontal.

At what angle should a projectile be thrown such that?

For maximum horizontal rangeHmax= (u2sin2θ)/2g = (u2)/2g, implying the angle should be equal to 45°.

What angle can a projectile achieves the shortest distance?

The projectile launched at 30-degrees has the smallest vy, and as such the shortest hang time. The range of a projectile is determined by two parameters – the initial value of the horizontal velocity component and the hang time of the projectile.

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How does the height a projectile is launched affect its range?

Increasing the launch height increases the downward distance, giving the horizontal component of the velocity greater time to act upon the projectile and hence increasing the range. “

How does the initial velocity affect the range of a projectile?

The formula for horizontal range of a projectile = v^2 * sin (2 θ ) / g where v is the initial velocity , g = 9.8 m/s^2 and 2θ is twice the value of the launched angle. The relationship between the range and initial velocity is direct square proportion.

What is the optimal launch angle of a projectile?

Optimal Launch Angle. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the optimal angle of launch of a projectile is 45 degrees to the horizontal. That is, when launched at this angle, the projectile will travel the greatest transverse distance before hitting the ground.

What determines the launch angle?

The launch angle determines the maximum height, time in the air, and maximum horizontal distance of the projectile. Along the images bottom is a horizontal black line. At the left of this black line is a cannon. From the barrel of the cannon, three dashed arrows shaped as parabolas originate and arc to the right of the black line.

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Optimal Launch Angle. The one launched at 30 degrees covers ground fastest, but lands quickly. The one launched at 60 degrees spends longest in the air, but has a small horizontal component of velocity. The one launched at 45 degrees is a trade-off, and travels furthest.

What is the horizontal distance travelled by a projectile called?

The horizontal distance travelled by a projectile is called its range. A projectile launched on level ground with an initial speed v0 at an angle θ above the horizontal will have the same range as a projectile launched with an initial speed v0 at 90° − θ and maximum range when θ = 45°. (1 vote)