Tips and tricks

Why did someone follow me on Instagram then unfollow me?

Why did someone follow me on Instagram then unfollow me?

One of the main reasons why people first follow you and then after some time unfollow you is that they are taking part in that popular and nowadays common folow/unfollow game which means they would follow you just to get a follow back! Instagram followers really does matter to all of us.

Why do some people follow then unfollow on Instagram?

In order to game the system and try to accumulate a lot of followers, people engage in a follow and unfollow scheme. Essentially, in order to increase their own follower count, this person would follow a mass amount of people, in hopes that they follow them back, then this person unfollows everyone later on.

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When you follow someone on Instagram and then unfollow?

If you follow then immediately unfollow someone on Instagram, the person will be notified for a split-second if they’re using the app. The person will only know that you’ve accidentally followed them if they’re in the app while you followed then unfollowed.

What does it mean if it says requested on Instagram?

It means they would not allow you to follow them. Their Instagram account may be set to private and they pick and choose who follows them. Or they could have blocked you from their Instagram account. Not everyone you request to follow will accept your request.

Why do people follow then unfollow on Instagram?

Summary There are two reasons to why people are following then unfollowing on Instagram. One is technical, another psychological. Technical: Instagram allows your number of following to be max 7500. This is for a reason, to prevent spam and system abuse.

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What does it mean when someone follows you on Instagram?

If you follow someone on Instagram, the person will receive an “x started following you” notification if their account is a public one and a follow request notification if their account is a private one. Each time you follow someone, Instagram will send them this notification, “x started following you”.

Why does Instagram limit the number of followers to 7500?

Technical: Instagram allows your number of following to be max 7500. This is for a reason, to prevent spam and system abuse. So users constantly try to balance and keep that number lower by unfollowing to be able to follow more people.

Why are my followers at the top of my followers list?

So, the followers at the top of your followers list are the people that followed you recently. Each time you follow someone on Instagram, they will receive a notification that you’ve followed them. However, if you followed someone by accident and unfollow them right after, the notification will be removed.