
Which direction is best for pooja Mandir?

Which direction is best for pooja Mandir?

The North-east, East or the North directions are preferred for constructing a pooja room. These directions are considered the most auspicious. Avoid placing the pooja rooms beneath the staircases and next to the toilets to ensure zero negative energies.

Can we keep Mandir facing south?

Placing them in the east is believed to bring health to the family, whereas placing them in the north brings wealth. Tip: Avoid placing the mandir diyas and lamps in the south. According to Vastu, placing them in the south may drain the house’s wealth.

Which type of mandir is good for home?

According to vastu, home temples made of wood are propitious and considered to be ideal and natural. Wooden temple designs made of sheesham wood are considered the best and auspicious for a home temple.

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Is north West direction good for Temple?

A. 1. The best location for the mandir in the house is the north-east. If that doesn’t work for you, the north and the east corners will do too. West is permissible too, if nothing else works.

Should God face east or west?

Ensure that your idols never face each other Regardless of which direction your pooja room is in, the god face direction should be towards the north-east. While praying, it is considered auspicious to face the north-east, north or east— – so place your idols accordingly.

Is north west direction good for temple?

What is the best direction to place a home temple?

Irrespective of the direction of your house, choose the north-east direction within your house to place your home temple. When the temple is located thus, it causes the supply of positive energy in your premises and enhances the wisdom and well-being of all family members.

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Which direction should a temple face during worship in Hinduism?

Temple must be in North East with Gods facing East wards. Study economics for business with MIT. Gain a global economic perspective to help you make informed business decisions. As per Vastu Shastra the face of Temple at home should be in West& during worship our face should be in East.

What is the Best Direction for a temple or pooja room?

North-east direction is the best place for temple or pooja room in a house. The placement should be such that you face north while praying. Even facing East is OK but first preferred direction is North.

What are the Vastu compliant directions to place a temple?

A Temple placed at home or anyplace else is incomplete without correct Vastu Compliant directions. 1.As per Vastu Shastra, placing Mandir at north-eastern or eastern corner of the home is considered to be perfect and bring good luck to your place. It is also known that north-eastern side of a house is filled with positive energy.