Should you host your blog on a subdomain?

Should you host your blog on a subdomain?

When talking about where to host your blog, yes, subdomains hurt SEO. Placing your blog on a subdomain creates more work for your business and undermines your SEO strategy. Instead of optimizing a single site, you’ll have the task of optimizing two sites.

Is subdomain SEO friendly?

Mueller concluded that subdomains generally don’t hurt site rankings. He argued that Google’s algorithms are good at crawling subdomains and subdirectories equally well and making sense of what you are trying to do.

Should my blog be separate from my website?

Lower Traffic If driving traffic is important to you, it’s strongly recommended that you keep your blog and website together. Why? Companies that have blogs receive 55\% more visitors than companies without blogs. That’s because the blogs are the pages that are driving traffic back to your main website.

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Do I need to register a subdomain?

1 Answer. Simple answer: No, you do not need to register a separate domain name for your subdomain. Depending on your domain name provider, there will be options to create additional subdomains.

Why would you use a subdomain?

A subdomain lets you separate portions of your site that are extensive enough to warrant their own dedicated hierarchy without going through all of the trouble of setting up a new site with a new domain or confusing visitors with a completely different root domain.

Do people blog on Medium?

Many people choose Medium lately as their go-to platform to blog. Kind of like Blogger a while back, it just seems what everybody has been doing (unless you are really nit-picky and care enough to host your own thing).

What is a subdomain and why should you use one?

What Is A Subdomain (And Why You Should Use One)? Subdomains are a great way to separate areas of your site with very different functionalities. Subdomains enable you to set up multiple websites using a single domain. Take a look at our client area for example – you’ll notice its URL is my.a2hosting.com.

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How many subdomains can I set up for a single domain?

It’s worth noting that you can set up as many subdomains as you want for a single domain, but (of course) you should only use them when it makes sense to do so! Subdomains are a great way to differentiate areas of your website according to their functionality.

How do I create a subdomain for my website?

How to create a subdomain. 1 Go to the Domains page. 2 Click Connect a domain you already own. 3 Select the site you want to connect and click Next. 4 Click connect a subdomain at the bottom of your screen. 5 Enter the subdomain you want to connect (e.g. blog.mystunningwebsite.com). 6 Click Next.

What is the difference between subdomains and subdirectories?

Unlike subdirectories, subdomains operate as entirely different websites. This allows you to target specific content types that are different from those of your root domain. As a result, your chances to build a niche authority and organic traffic increase..