Tips and tricks

How to deal with your ex when your ex has a new girlfriend?

How to deal with your ex when your ex has a new girlfriend?

Although I know it can be incredibly difficult, do not let your ex see you squirm. If you see your ex with their new girlfriend casually say hello smile and move on. If you are in the same room with them, do not engage in eye contact or look at them as this will give your ex more control as this is something he may want.

What happens if you don’t move on from your ex?

If you don’t move on and continue to dwell over your ex finding a new love, you’ll deprive yourself of the opportunity to find a new boy/girlfriend as well. For instance, you may stress out over the fact your ex has a new flame but you don’t.

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Why is my ex boyfriend not in love with Me Anymore?

Your ex probably felt as though he grew apart from you because you were too available or attached to him and you didn’t show any spark of independence, so the thrill in the relationship was lost. Sometimes he may not be able to always put his finger on it and might tell you he loves you but he is not in love with you anymore.

What happens when you find out your ex is dating someone else?

But as anyone who’s been in this situation knows, finding out your ex has moved on with someone else can be devastating. When you see your ex in a new relationship, you’re forced to come to terms with the fact that things really are over between the two of you.

How to stop intrusive thoughts about your ex?

You’ve broken the obsession, and are in the safe space of reality. The third step to stop intrusive thoughts about your Ex is to intentionally shift your attention to something positive or pleasurable. For example, you can shift to thinking about going to lunch with a friend this afternoon, or weekend plans.

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Why is my ex boyfriend already dating someone else?

Your ex may be already dating someone else because something happened in your relationship that he wasn’t satisfied with. You may have pushed him away as you relied on him for emotional support. I mention this because it’s prevalent that this happens in relationships.

Why does my ex date/do whatever he wants after our breakup?

Your ex choosing to date/do whoever he wants after your relationship has ended has nothing to do with you. It has to do with his impulsive, egoic needs. And It’s not about her either.