
Who are real introverts?

Who are real introverts?

An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what’s happening externally. They enjoy spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds.

Do introverts like gaming?

It’s no wonder that they scored the highest of all personality types; Logicians’ combination of traits all but guarantees their interest in video games. As Introverts, they are more likely to enjoy solitary activities, and as Thinking types, they tend to enjoy the strategic advancement that video games provide.

Is being a gamer good?

The positive effects of video games are numerous, from better memory and problem-solving to improved mood and social skills. While those who don’t play video games may argue that they make you lazy, harm your brain or ruin your social life, video games actually have many physical, cognitive and social benefits.

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What is the average age of a gamer?

The average age of a U.S. gamer is 35, the average number of years a U.S. gamer has been playing games is 13, and only 29\% of the gamer population is under 18 years old.

Do introverts and extroverts play the same video games?

While introverts and extroverts play the same amount of video games, they do have different game preferences. It should come as no surprise that for introverts, gaming is a solitary retreat.

Which personality types are the biggest video game gamers?

Logicians (INTP) are the biggest gaming aficionados, with 79\% agreeing that they enjoy playing video games. It’s no wonder that they scored the highest of all personality types; Logicians’ combination of traits all but guarantees their interest in video games.

Why do gamers like video games so much?

As Introverts, they are more likely to enjoy solitary activities, and as Thinking types, they tend to enjoy the strategic advancement that video games provide. Their Intuitive and Prospecting traits make exploring (and building, and conquering) new worlds a natural draw for Logicians.

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How do extroverts feel about gaming?

Extroverts are more likely to feel affected by what others think of their love of gaming. They’re more likely to feel self-conscious about how other people view gaming. They might fear that others judge it as a habit or an addiction. Social, status-conscious extroverts are also most likely to reject gaming as a prospective hobby.