
How did the Spartans maintain control of the larger helot population?

How did the Spartans maintain control of the larger helot population?

It tells a lot of how efficient Sparta was at controlling helots, by murdering them, terrorizing them, brainwashing them and beating them into submission. When the Spartans dominance eroded and Greece fell to Rome, helots still did not get their freedom. Instead of being slaves in Sparta, they became slaves in Rome.

How did the Spartans control the helots?

Because the helots were constantly rebelling, the Spartans attempted to control them by forming a secret society that annually murdered any helot suspected of encouraging subversion.

What did the Spartans do because the helots greatly outnumbered them?

Another name for slaves. Spartans conquered their neighbors and forced them to become slaves. They greatly outnumbered the Spartans. Stayed home to watch over slaves and children.

What did the Spartans do to the helots after they defeated them?

Spartans, who were outnumbered by the Helots, often treated them brutally and oppressively in an effort to prevent uprisings. Spartans would humiliate the Helots by doing such things as forcing them to get debilitatingly drunk on wine and then make fools of themselves in public.

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What were Spartan helots?

helot, a state-owned serf of the ancient Spartans. The ethnic origin of helots is uncertain, but they were probably the original inhabitants of Laconia (the area around the Spartan capital) who were reduced to servility after the conquest of their land by the numerically fewer Dorians.

What was the role of helots in Spartan society?

The helots were in a sense state slaves, bound to the soil and assigned to individual Spartans to till their holdings; their masters could neither free them nor sell them, and the helots had a limited right to accumulate property, after paying to their masters a fixed proportion of the produce of the holding.

Who controlled the helots?

The krypteia was overseen by the Ephors and part of the yearly declaration of war against the helots. The krypteia was tasked with eliminating the ‘best’ of the helots without being caught, if they were caught they were beaten.

Who were helots and what did they do?

In Ancient Sparta, the Helots were a subjugated population of slaves. Formerly warriors, the Helots outnumbered the Spartans considerably. During the time of the Battle of Plataea, which took place in 479 B.C., there were seven Helots for every Spartan.

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Why did the helots revolt against the Spartans?

They worked for Sparta in general, and since the Dorians couldn’t do agriculture, they made the Helots do the work. The report of Sparta’s lost gave encouragement to the Helots who started a revolt against Sparta, which is now known as the Second Messenian War​.

Why did the helots revolt?

Unlike the slaves that we know today, these ones were able to go wherever they want in Spartan territory and they could live normal lives like the Spartans. The report of Sparta’s lost gave encouragement to the Helots who started a revolt against Sparta, which is now known as the Second Messenian War​.

How did the helots become slaves?

Spartans: Masters of the Helots When the Spartans conquered a territory, the citizens were forced to become slaves. For example, the Spartans conquered a land called Messenia, which was a rich agricultural region west of Laconia. The citizens of Messenia worked on their own fields, but they were slaves of the Spartans.

How effective was Sparta at controlling the helots?

It tells a lot of how efficient Sparta was at controlling helots, by murdering them, terrorizing them, brainwashing them and beating them into submission. When the Spartans dominance eroded and Greece fell to Rome, helots still did not get their freedom.

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What is the difference between the helots and the Spartans?

At least from the classical era, the number of Spartans was very small compared to that of the Helots. In a celebrated passage, Thucydides stresses that “most Spartan institutions have always been designed with a view to security against the Helots”. Aristotle compares them to “an enemy constantly sitting in wait of the disaster of the Spartans”.

What did the helots actually do?

We might never find out, but what is amazing about helots is that there were seven of them per a single Spartan. You heard it right, seven slaves per a single free citizen. What did these helots actually do? Well, they did everything a respectful Spartan would not.

Why didn’t the Spartans send their hoplites abroad to fight?

During the Persian Wars, for instance, the Spartans were not too eager to send their hoplites abroad to fight for the freedom of Greece. This was due to the fear that the Helots would revolt when the Spartan army was fighting away from home. Despite these and other precautions, several revolts by the Helots took place over the centuries.