
Why do cleistogamous flowers produce an assured seed set even in absence of pollinators?

Why do cleistogamous flowers produce an assured seed set even in absence of pollinators?

Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed-set even in the absence of pollinators. This is because the anther and stigma lie close to each other. When pollen is released, it comes in contact with the stigma resulting in pollination. Hence, pollinators are not required for pollination in cleistogamous flowers.

Which flower produce assured seed set even in the absence of pollinators?

“Which of the following flowers produce assured seed set even in the absence of pollinators?”

How does Viola produce assured seed set in absence of pollinators?

▶The pollination is these flowers is self pollination (Autogamy ) since, the pollen of same flower reach the stigma without any external agent (pollinator)… ▶ Hence, The Oxalis and Viola plants are assured to produce seeds even in the absence of pollinators …

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What do you mean by cleistogamous flowers?

Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers. The more common opposite of cleistogamy, or “closed marriage”, is called chasmogamy, or “open marriage”.

What is the meaning of assured seed set?

Assured seed set means that some seeds are produced are produced by the plant even in unfavourable conditions. It is a type of guarantee or assurance that is provided by cleistogamy. Pea plants undergo self pollination, hence they also produce assured seed sets.

What is assured seed set?

Question : Assured seed set is possible even in absence of pollinators when flower is

Question Assured seed set is possible even in absence of pollinators when flower is
Subject Biology (more Questions)
Class 12th
Type of Answer Video, Text & Image
Question Language In Video – English In Text – English

Which flower produce assured seed set?

Pea flowers
Pea flowers produce assured seed sets.

Which flower produces assured seed set pattern?

What is cleistogamy write advantages and disadvantages?

Flowers which are never open to ensure self-pollination is called cleistogamy. Cleistogamy has the advantage that the plant produces assured seed set even in the absence of pollinators and disadvantage is that self-pollination occur which reduces chances of variation and evolution of genetically superior progeny.

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Which of the following plants produce cleistogamous flowers?

Cleistogamous flowers are Viola mirabilis and Oxalis acetosella. Both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers are found in plants such as Commelina benghalensis. Allium cepa and Cucumis melo pollinators are bees and their pollination is entomophilic.

What do you mean by assured?

1 : characterized by certainty or security : guaranteed an assured market an assured place in history Success is by no means assured. She is assured of (having/getting) a job when she graduates. [=she is certain to have/get a job] 2a : very confident : self-assured proceeded with an assured attitude. b : self-satisfied.

What is Cleistogamy give an example?

Answer: Cleistogamy is a type of automatic self-pollination of certain plants that can propagate by using non-opening, self-pollinating flowers. They remain closed causing self-pollination. Examples: Viola, Oxalis, Commelina, Cardamine.

Is seed setting possible in Cleistogamous flowers without pollinators?

When the anthers dehisce in the flower buds, pollen grains come in contact with the stigma and pollination occurs. Cleistogamous flowers are not dependent on external agencies for pollination. Hence, seed setting is not dependent on pollinators. Hence, assured seed set is possible even in the absence of pollinators when the flower is Cleistogamous.

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So the statement means that since pollen- pistil interaction is between the same flower an assured seed set is produced without the help of pollinators. The Cleistogamous flowers are those flowers which remain closed.

Is seed setting assured in some plants without pollinators?

Even in absence of pollinating agents seed-setting is assured in Some plants such as Viola (common pansy), Oxalis, and CommeIina produce two types of flowers- chasmogamous flowers which are similar to flowers of other species with exposed anthers and stigma, and cleistogamous flowers which do not open at all.

What are the advantages of cleistogamy in seed production?

This efficiency makes cleistogamy particularly useful for seed production on unfavorable sites or adverse conditions. Its offsprings are genetically similar to their parents. So they are more vulnerable to environmental changes. Because no genetic materials are exchanged. , former Principal, Associate Prof. In Botany