
How many alternate futures did Dr Strange See?

How many alternate futures did Dr Strange See?

14,000,605 Futures
The Clever Reason Doctor Strange Saw 14,000,605 Futures in Avengers: Infinity War.

How did Dr Strange see the future?

The only reason Strange was able to see this future though is because he was brought back to life from Hulk’s snap. As explained in Doctor Strange, sorcerers cannot see beyond their own death. That’s why Strange had to live through each of the 14 million futures until he found the one where the Avengers won.

Could Doctor Strange have defeated Thanos?

Strange was able to hold his own with just the Eye of Agamotto and Time Stone on his side, while Thanos had four Infinity Stones at that point. But, Strange also knew that he wouldn’t be able to defeat him in that moment to ensure that the one future out of 14,000,605 possible outcomes would happen.

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Why did Doctor Strange view exactly 14000 different futures in Infinity War?

Why did Doctor Strange view exactly 14,000,605 different futures in Avengers: Infinity War? In one of the film’s most important scenes, Stephen Strange used the Time Stone to peer into millions of alternate futures and work out a way for the heroes to beat Thanos.

Did Doctor Strange ever try to use the time stone?

The most obvious comes from those 14 million futures Doctor Strange saw; it’s entirely possible that he did attempt to use the Time Stone in one or more of them, only for it to not succeed in ultimately stopping Thanos. Indeed, Dormammu was from the Dark Dimension, an alternate world that is removed from any conventional understanding of time.

How many Futures has Stephen Strange visited?

While Iron Man, Spider-Man, and the Guardians of the Galaxy bickered, Stephen Strange used the Time Stone to explore all the possible futures and try to learn how to win. To his horror, he glimpsed 14,000,605 different futures – and there was just the one in which Thanos was defeated.