
How do armies decide where to fight?

How do armies decide where to fight?

Factors. Battles are decided by various factors, the number and quality of combatants and equipment, the skill of commanders and terrain are among the most prominent. Battles can also be determined by terrain.

How the battlefield was decided?

Typically, however, the location is chosen deliberately, either by agreement of the two sides or, more commonly, by the commander of one side, who attempts to either initiate an attack on terrain favorable to the attack, or position forces on ground favorable to defense, if anticipating an attack.

What is flanking in warfare?

In military tactics, a flanking maneuver is a movement of an armed force around an enemy force’s side, or flank, to achieve an advantageous position over it.

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What does it mean to flank in battle?

To flank something means to stand at the side of something. In the military, a flank is a left or right side of an army or fleet of ships. Flank has several other senses as a noun and a verb.

Why do soldiers fight in wars?

combat. The group provides soldiers with security, the belief that the threat can be overcome, a coping mechanism to deal with the trauma of death and kill- ing and a sense that their contribution has meaning.

Who was winning the war before Gettysburg?

The Union had won the Battle of Gettysburg. Though the cautious Meade would be criticized for not pursuing the enemy after Gettysburg, the battle was a crushing defeat for the Confederacy. Union casualties in the battle numbered 23,000, while the Confederates had lost some 28,000 men–more than a third of Lee’s army.

Who invented the flanking maneuver?

Frederick the Great is credited with inventing the oblique order. He would use a large number of troops on one of the flanks to destroy that section, then drive into the enemy from two directions.

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What is flanking marketing strategy?

Flanking marketing is a type of marketing in which one company tries to displace its competitors in a peripheral market and try to capture the market segment, which is not well served by the competitor. In can also be said as an indirect market strategy aiming to capture the market share and segment of its competitors.