
Can retainers cause gaps?

Can retainers cause gaps?

Failure to wear your retainer and other dental issues can cause your teeth to shift and gaps to appear between them, even after a braces treatment. Occasionally, a removable retainer can be used to fix gaps between teeth. Consult with your orthodontist to see if this option is right for your specific case.

Can a permanent retainer close gaps?

Retainers have been designed to be used as an end of treatment to help retain your teeth in their new position. These are removable and fixed retainers. The reason why retainers can’t be used to close a gap is because they are fitted at the end of treatment and are made to fit the straight teeth mould.

Can retainer close gap between front teeth?

Teeth Gaps and Retainers It is possible for a retainer alone to close gaps between teeth. Here’s the catch: It can take a long time to close gaps this way, probably several years. So long that you may wish you had just gotten braces. Many people have gaps between their teeth.

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What is teeth bonding for gaps?

Tooth bonding (dental bonding) is a cosmetic dental procedure that repairs a chipped, cracked, or otherwise broken tooth. It also helps with discolored teeth, gaps between the teeth, and even lengthening a tooth hat’s shorter than the rest.

What causes gaps between teeth?

The top cause of diastema (tooth gaps) is the difference between the size of the jaw and the size of the teeth. Improper spacing occurs when teeth are normally sized but the jaw is overly-large. Additional causes of gaps between the teeth include periodontitis and mesiodens.

Will my retainers fit if I don’t wear them anymore?

Your most logical option would be to go back to your orthodontist with your original retainer and have him (or her) assess the retainer and your teeth to see what choices exist for your present circumstance. It is unlikely your retainers will fit after 2 years of not wearing them. If you can wear them.

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Do I need a retainer for shifting teeth?

An active retainer for minor single tooth movement. If your shifting is too significant for a retainer to correct, your orthodontist may suggest a short duration of treatment with braces or Invisalign. You may feel a bit lost in discovering that your teeth have shifted, and maybe a bit disappointed in your lack of retainer wear.

Can I still wear my braces after 2 years of braces?

After two years the answer is NO! Check with your dentist to make sure they fit and that the teeth have not moved to the point of the retainer being a binder instead. If they can still fit its a possibility that you could still wear them. However you need to check with your orthodontist.