
Is fantasy important Why or why not?

Is fantasy important Why or why not?

Fantasy is vital for the human mind. It begins as the psychological process by which a child learns to fill the gaps between knowledge, reality and experience, and becomes a vital adult coping mechanism.

Why should students read fantasy?

One of the most obvious benefits of fantasy is that it allows readers to experiment with different ways of seeing the world. It takes a hypothetical situation and invites readers to make connections between this fictive scenario and their own social reality.

Why do so many people write fantasy?

The fantasy genre is rich and varied. It means different things to different people. Writers love the freedom the genre gives them to explore themes and ideas. Readers love the sense of wonder, and the assurance that one small person can make a difference.

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Why do authors write fantasy?

So authors use fantasy in their stories because it allows them to escape all worldly pain, constraints, problems, responsibilities, fear, and depression. They can forget all their troubles, and through their words, live a life or many lives indeed, as they have always wanted to live.

Why is fantasy important in children’s literature essay?

According to Beth Webb, a British children’s author, fantasy in children’s literature helps to stimulate imagination of the young readers. As a naive little child who has no knowledge on central heating pipes swelling, we tend to engage with make-believe to bridge the gap between experience and knowledge.

Why do I like fantasy so much?

Q: Why are some people drawn to fantasy stories more than others? KB: Those drawn to fantasy tend to be people with a more creative mind. It’s an often underestimated form of intelligence, but it is an important form. Creativity tends to be undervalued in our society.

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Why is it important to know fantasy and reality?

Fantasy teaches us how to approach and solve real problems. We observe how different kinds of characters respond to adversity, learn from them and apply what we learned to our own problems. Fantasy teaches us to be creative, to think “outside the box,” to be more adaptable. Neil Gaiman cites an interesting example.

How many pre-writing lessons do I need to learn fantasy?

After 6 short pre-writing lessons, students are not only proficient in fantasy, but have everything they need to write their own fantasy story! Over the six days of lessons, students should keep each assignment in a writing notebook, folder, or some other way to keep them handy.

Why are students so bad at writing?

Students are often forced to write and rewrite and rewrite, which exasperates them even more when they are already insecure about what they are doing. Even as the necessary skills are acquired, writing frustrates many, because it tends to take more time than other subjects. Many times, students react and shut down.

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Why do people like reading fantasy?

1. Explain that the reason people love reading fantasy is that the writer gives details that help the reader feel like he/she is a part of the story. Fantasy is rich in details. 2. Pass out a number of fantasy books/stories (see the list below) and ask students to partner up and find one really good description of the magical world.

What makes a good fantasy story?

So, my strategy is to take the genre students love, and use the writing process as a scaffold to teach them how to build a good fantacy story. Writing a good fantasy story is like writing any good story. It must have good characters, a plot that makes sense and be entertaining.