
What did the Emperor say to Luke?

What did the Emperor say to Luke?

Emperor Palpatine: Strike me down with all of your hatred & your journey towards the dark side will be complete! Emperor Palpatine: Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete! Luke Skywalker: Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us… or die!

What is Luke Skywalker’s weakness according to the emperor?

Yes, I assure you, we are quite safe from your friends here. Luke : Your overconfidence is your weakness. The Emperor : Your faith in your friends is yours!

Who is the emperor talking to in Return of the Jedi?

Sim Aloo was a skeletal looking human clad in flowing purple robes and wore an impressive hat. He served as one of Emperor Palpatine’s closest advisors during the time of the Galactic Empire. He traveled with the Emperor to the second Death Star to oversee the final stages of its construction over Endor.

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What were emperor’s first words to Luke?

What were the Emperor’s first words to Luke? “Hi Luke, do you know you may have been miss sold PPI?” What’s the point cuffing a Jedi Darth? do you want to see my lightsaber young Jedi?

What did the Emperor say to Anakin?

Even in the midst of Anakin’s turning, Palpatine says: “To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.”

Which Stormtrooper wasn’t able to complete his mission in Star Wars The Force awakens?

Finn, formerly designated FN-2187 (“Eight-Seven”), was a Force-sensitive human male stormtrooper who served the First Order until his desertion and subsequent defection to the Resistance during the First Order-Resistance War.

Where did the Clone Wars begin?

The Clone Wars begin during the Separatist Crisis when thousands of star systems secede from the Galactic Republic to form the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS). The first battle occurs on the CIS planet Geonosis as the Republic’s new clone army, led by Jedi generals, combats the Separatists’ battle droids.