
What did Jesus promise his disciples before he ascended into heaven?

What did Jesus promise his disciples before he ascended into heaven?

He promised them that they would all be filled with the Holy Spirit not many days after He ascended. “Jesus promised that God the Father would send the Holy Spirit to be our helper.”

What is the last thing Jesus said?

Originally Answered: What was the last word that Jesus uttered on the cross? Luke 23:46 “Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.”

How many promises did Jesus make in the Bible?

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In the book All the Promises of the Bible, the author Herbert Locklear found 7,147 promises from God to man in the Bible. That is a lot of promises. Which leads us to the other end of the spectrum of having an overwhelming amount of promises and not even knowing what to do with them.

What did Jesus promise to the disciples during his farewell discourse?

In the New Testament, Chapters 14–17 of the Gospel of John are known as the Farewell Discourse given by Jesus to eleven of his disciples immediately after the conclusion of the Last Supper in Jerusalem, the night before his crucifixion. Jesus bestows peace on the disciples and commands them to love one another.

What did Jesus promise his disciples after his departure?

Jesus extended his compassion to his disciples and explained they would be comforted after his departure through the arrival of the comforter and that was one of his promises to his disciples. If ye love me, keep my commandments.

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What did Jesus say to the disciples in the Bible?

In Luke, Jesus tells the disciples to preach repentance and forgiveness, and promises that they will have divine power. In John, Jesus says the disciples will have the Holy Spirit and the authority to forgive sins and to withhold forgiveness. In Acts, Jesus promises the disciples that the Holy Spirit will inspire them.

What is the promise of the Holy Spirit?

The promise of the Holy Spirit was one of the promises given by Jesus to his disciples. There were multiple promises made and we will look at some of these in this study. Another promise made by Jesus was what a disciple could do. Many think of the works of Jesus, and Jesus taught that disciples would do even greater works.

What were Jesus’ promises?

Jesus’ Promises . In addition to these great promises, Jesus also made some promises about his words and the word of God that deserve their own mention. Here are just a couple of them that didn’t make our list: • The Gospel Will Be Preached In The Whole World (Matthew 24:1-14) • The Word Will Endure Forever (Luke 21:33) 5.