
How fast is Stack Overflow?

How fast is Stack Overflow?

I’m from China, and I find that opening pages on Stack Overflow is very fast, normally within a range of 1 to 4 seconds. This speed is very good for a website outside China; it’s even faster than some native websites.

How fast do people on Stack Overflow respond?

Although most questions on StackOverflow are answered in less than an hour, we observe that about 30\% of the questions which are not answered within an hour have a response time of more than a day (see Figure 1).

Why is Stack Overflow so good?

Stack Overflow is an incredible collection of programming and software knowledge. Thousands of students and developers use it daily to lookup answers for questions they can’t solve easily themselves. It’s built and grown by a community of developers, with new questions and answers being added all the time.

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Is copying code from Stack Overflow?

So, in summary: code snippets on Stack Overflow are protected by copyright unless they are so small that any two programmers would come up with substantially the same code. The StackOverflow license requires attribution and sharing of changes to downstream recipients of the code.

How do I get my question answered on Stack Overflow?

To get better answers, you may need to put additional effort into your question. Edit your question to provide status and progress updates. Document your own continued efforts to answer your question. This will naturally bump your question to the homepage and get more people interested in it.

How much does Stack Overflow pay their customers?

A customer of Stack Overflow pays for posting Job announcements and having access to their profiles database. A thousand dollars for a month last time I checked. Or for publicity. Or some other services they sell.

Is stackstack overflow turning into a place to be?

Stack Overflow used to be a great place to be because it gave the impression of a gathering of knowledgeable entities. Is it turning into a collection of arrogant people enjoying power and venting their frustration on the helpless?

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Why is downvoting on Stack Overflow viewed as rude?

Downvoting is of course very useful and encouraged by design, but sometimes it comes in the way of helping and making it a good Q&A (with answers that fit the actual question). Such perception of rudeness stems from misunderstanding our position in Stack Overflow: Congratulations. Another unhappy customer.