
Is it bad to tell strangers your age?

Is it bad to tell strangers your age?

Some sites have age restrictions, so you might be tempted to lie about your age. It’s safer to tell the truth and avoid those sites until you’re older. Guard your passwords. If someone can sign in as you, you have no control over what they do or say.

Is it OK to reveal your age?

Dr Christiane Northrup, an expert on women’s health, recommends you never reveal your age, and for a very compelling reason. When you hang out with people who don’t think about their age all the parameters of health improve.

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Why do strangers ask for your age?

The most likely is that you look younger than you really are, and they subconsciously know it. So to get under your skin they ask you your age, likely because they overwork and look older than their age.

How do you tell someone you’ve been lying about your age?

Start by saying something to show how much you love him, such as “You are the kindest/most honest/most caring person I know, so I am sorry that I have lied to you.” Apologize for being dishonest about your age and tell him how old you actually are.

Is it illegal to lie to someone about your age?

No. It is not legal. Nor is it moral.

Is it rude to ask someone their age?

It is always rude to ask an adult their age; since you cannot be certain if someone IS an adult, the safest course of action is to refrain from asking. When I encounter a very young child, since children not only delight in telling their ages, but adore being mistaken for older, I may ask: “So: you’re what?

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Is it rude to ask peoples age?

It is okay, once you start talking to someone. As in a normal, pleasant conversation or if you want to be friends with them, there is literally nothing wrong with asking someone their age. The decorum of not asking someone their age is something that for some reason went from a politeness point to almost taboo.

Should you tell people how old you are?

Every woman knows this to be true: when you tell someone your age, you give them the power to decide how you’re perceived. No matter your qualifications, people are predisposed to judge what you are really “worth” to them based on your age.

Why is it important to find out your age?

Finding out your age is a way for people to size you up, put you in a specific box, determine their expectations for you, and decide whether you meet them sufficiently. For women, age unfairly becomes a standard by which society determines worth: Past a certain age, a woman is viewed as less important, less worthy of attention.

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What’s the point of someone asking your age?

The point of someone asking your age is almost always so that the asker can make a judgment about you based on that age—what other reason is there? Finding out your age is a way for people to size you up, put you in a specific box, determine their expectations for you, and decide whether you meet them sufficiently.

Should women tell the truth about their age?

Every woman knows this to be true: when you tell someone your age, you give them the power to decide how you’re perceived. For better or worse, the practice of women hiding their age is nothing new.