
What lesson was learned from the Vietnam War?

What lesson was learned from the Vietnam War?

The lesson that the Vietnam War could have taught the US was, “Don’t engage in distant, proxy wars with limited terms of engagement in places where the enemy mixes with the population and no clear and attainable victory conditions exist.” If the US had learned that lesson, it wouldn’t be in Afghanistan right now.

Why is it important to learn about the Vietnam War?

The war risked American lives for military and political objectives that most people never really understood. In addition, it damaged the United States economy and its overall reputation as an example of democratic principles.

What was the most interesting thing you learned about the Vietnam War?

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Of the roughly 8.7 million troops who served in the military between 1965 and 1973, only 1.8 million were drafted. 2.7 million of those in the military fought in Vietnam at this time. Only 25\% of that 2.7 million were drafted and only 30\% of the combat deaths in the war were draftees.

What lessons can we learn from the Vietnam war quizlet?

The lessons that we learned from Vietnam is to not get involved in a war that isn’t worth fighting for. Also we learned that we are not unstoppable and people or countries are able to defeat us….

  • Would not allow elections.
  • Corrupt.
  • Never gave land to peasants.
  • Catholic who could not stand Buddhists.

How was the Vietnam War a turning point in American history?

The Tet Offensive of 1968 proved to be the turning point of the Vietnam War and its effects were far-reaching. Given this situation, Johnson launched what became known as the “success offensive,” designed to convince the American people that the war was being won and that administration policies were succeeding.

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Did you know facts about Vietnam?

Here are 15 fun and interesting facts about Vietnam that you probably didn’t know!

  1. Vietnamese cuisine is considered amongst the healthiest in the world.
  2. They have half-hatched eggs for breakfast.
  3. Vietnam is the world’s leading exporter of cashew nuts and black pepper.
  4. They eat what most Westerners consider pets – dog meat.

What was it like being in the Vietnam War?

Vietnam War soldiers also struggled with boredom At times, Vietnam resembled “a hated, dreary struggle” that dragged on and on with no end in sight. Since large-scale warfare was rare, soldiers could go for weeks without encountering enemy forces, but far from being a respite, the quiet only heightened the tension.

What was the Vietnam War like in Vietnam?

The Vietnam War was a military conflict in which communist forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV or North Vietnam) and the indigenous forces of the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam, (also known as the Việt Cộng) fought against the anti-communist Republic of Vietnam (RVN or South Vietnam) and its allies—most notably the

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How many American soldiers were in the Vietnam War?

In total, there were around 2.5 million Americans served in the Vietnam War. They were not only soldiers but also officers, advisors, nurses, doctors and other units that supported the Republic of Vietnam. American soldiers came home, but the effects of the war were still carried on their shoulders.

How did the Vietnam War affect China?

During the Vietnam War, the Chinese took measures to weaken the Vietnamese communists at the same time they were sending aid and personnel to assist in the effort. There were two types of correspondence that China sent to Vietnam: Those directed at the Vietnamese populace in North Vietnam, and those sent to the Viet Cong, operating in the south.